Council meetings

Agenda item

Convoys Wharf ~ Q&A

7.Convoys Wharf Q & A


7.1    Cllr Michael thanked the presenter and opened the discussion to questions from the floor.      


Q.      Can we plan a meeting with the community as we don’t know what is happening and there has been no consultation for three years?


A.      This is the start of the dialogue as we are now at the stage where there are things that can be discussed. 


7.2    Another resident agreed that there needs to be more consultation. Building work is starting before 8am and the dust affecting her health. There was no communication that work would be starting.


Q.      There were letters all residents informing them of the commencement of works (Note: records show that this was 4th July 16). Did you get this?


A.      No, I did not receive any information.


7.3    Information is also available on the website 


Q.      What is happening regarding the request for funding for the toilet for the allotment as there is money for the project?


A.      Emma explained the, since her last visit, one of the priorities for her in her new role has been increasing transparency. We have undertaken a full review of all S106 and developed a new, more consultative, process for allocating S106 money and the Community Infrastructure Funding which has replaced it. The next Assembly on March 28th will be reporting back on the review of funding and undertaking consultation on the priorities for Evelyn ward. We will be rolling the new processes out across the borough, starting with Evelyn and adopting an approach similar to Southwark where residents will identify projects linked to the local plan.


7.4    Sarah clarified that, as per her e-mail, there is agreed S106 money for allotment however this has not been received so it cannot be allocated to a project until payment has been received.


Q.      There will be luxury apartments built and affordable rent but what is Lewisham’s policy on social housing as local people cannot afford the so called affordable rents?


A.      Emma explained that local authorities are constrained by the government definition of affordable. In this development the maximum charge will be set at 60% rather than 80% of private rent levels.  


Q.      Can you push back against this?


A.      The Mayor of London Has a draft viability plan and Emma is cautiously optimistic regarding proposed changes.


Q.    How can we help with this?


A.        Being here and at meeting like this, raising the issues so that we can take your views back and ensure they are represented.


7.5    Malcolm Cadman drew the Assemblies attention to the Voice for Deptford Meeting which will take place on Tuesday 7th February from 7.00-9.00pm at The Armada Centre. Over 90% of what is built is for private ownership and much of this is buy to let or buy to leave. He added that there is a need more social housing and residents want to enter into a dialogue so local people are well informed and we can work together.


Q.    What provision is being made for construction traffic as this will have a major impact on Evelyn Street affecting already stretched transport links?


A.      Emma confirm that the plans do look at the cumulative effects of developments on the surrounding area. Lewisham has the expectations that, where possible, the river is used as the main conduit for construction traffic as this minimises impact on the surrounding area.


Q.      How will the extra people get to work as there is already extreme overcrowding on existing public transport?


A.      Emma replied that, in addition to the new bus route and river bus service, we are working on the plan for the Bakerloo Line extension and maximisation of other sources of transport.


Q.      The Bakerloo is not coming to this development so how will this help?


A.      The tube extension will divert some users away from existing provision and increasing capacity on trains by adding additional carriages will also help to ease the situation.


Q.    This is a massive development and you say there will be a primary school, will there be provision for 0-3 year-olds and a secondary school? Also is there provision for faith group use?


A.        Jonathan confirmed that early years and secondary provision is not part of the plan, however, there are contributions that will be made for extra provisions through S106 agreements and there is also the S106 enterprise and business support through rent subsidies which are about £1million which could be accessed by early years’ providers and faith groups.


7.5    Cllr Jacca requested that the Assembly took a pause from questions to allow the results of the Assembly vote as some people had to leave due to other commitments. The results are in Section 8 of the notes.


7.Convoys Wharf Q & A (continued)


Q.      Is there any chance of a discussion to be had regarding the provision of secondary school?


A.      Emma replied that the S106 payments can increase 2 forms of entry and there is a mechanism for 3 forms. Emma will need to check the exact figure and this can be reported at the next Assembly. She verified that these were for secondary places across the borough.


7.6    Trina Lynsky added that S106 and CIL can be used for this. Deptford Folk have undertaken consultation with residents and have started a list of projects that will be brought to the next Assembly to feed into the plan. Planning will let residents know what can be done.


7.7    Emma said that she was excited to hear that there has been consultation and that the initial impetus was the request for funding for the allotment toilet. This is an example of how the Assembly can influence how we deliver services.


Q.    As plans for the site are at outline stage and will be worked in more detail can I urge for consideration that there is likely to be a private provider for early years’ and therefore access to greenery outdoors space for play is an essential need for healthy development of children?


A.        Jonathan replied that they are working with Sayes Court Garden Group and they have been listening to them to ensure that they spaces relate to the history of the site yet respond to them in a modern way that is accessible to all residents.


Q.      Are the EFA going to build the school?


A.      Emma informed the Assembly that the local authority cannot build new schools.


Q.      Will it be a private school?


A.      No, it is not being privatised, it will be a free school which is a state school funded directly from central government.


7.8    Could someone from planning, the school and the developer meet with the Co-Group so opportunities are not missed?


7.9    Cllr Michael will push for a meeting with resident regarding the school for the site.


Q.      How are you ensuring that you consult with older people to ensure that the development is age friendly?


A.      Sarah suggested that the best way to ensure that the needs of older people were considered in designing the spaces was to link with the Positive Aging Council who are a user-led group of older people from across the borough. One of the current projects that they are already working is on how Lewisham integrates the World Health Organisation’s Age Friendly Cities Guidelines.


Q.      The council is getting millions of pounds, what is going to be put into the community?


A.      As we have said, the next Assembly meeting on 28th March will be dedicated entirely to S106 and will include a full report of the financial situation together with the opportunity for residents to identify their priorities for the local area and feed projects into the local plan.


7.10  Cllr Michael thanked the speakers and residents for their input and questions. He informed the Assembly that he and Cllr Jacca would be available after the meeting


There being no other business, the meeting closed with no declarations of interest.


Note: These are not verbatim minutes therefore questions and answers have been summarised.