Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Timothy Andrew Email: (
No. | Item |
Declarations of interest PDF 82 KB Minutes: 1.1 There were none. |
Task and Finish Group final report PDF 91 KB Additional documents: Decision: that the final report and recommendations be agreed – for submission to Mayor and Cabinet. Minutes: 2.1 Cllr Mark Jackson introduced the final report of the Task and Finish Group – outlining the key elements of the evidence gathering process and noting the principles of effective scrutiny.
2.2 The Group discussed the final report and recommendations - the following key points were noted: · It was recognised that many of the things that had been identified as good practice were already within the remit of scrutiny members to adopt and implement. · Members noted the importance of the annual scrutiny summit for aligning scrutiny resources with Council priorities. · The importance of public engagement with scrutiny. · The good practice already taking place in Lewisham – and the importance of highlighting this – as well as standardising practice across the whole scrutiny function. · That the further alignment of scrutiny committees’ terms of reference with the structure of the Council should be welcomed. · That scrutiny should remain flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. · That a standardised process for tracking recommendations and actions would be appreciated by all members.
2.3 Resolved: that the final report and recommendations be agreed – for submission to Mayor and Cabinet.
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 61 KB Minutes: 3.1 Resolved: that the minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2023 be agreed as an accurate record. |