Council meetings

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Forest HIll Pools, Dartmouth Road, SE23 3HZ

Contact: Maya Onyett  020 83148208

No. Item


Welcome from the Chair, Sophie Davis


Cllr Sophie Davis, Chair of the Forest Hill Assembly welcomed everyone to the

meeting and introduced Cllr Peter Bernards and Cllr Leo Gibbons.



Forest Hill Pools Update - Lance Codling, Fusion Lifestyle, David Walton, Lewisham council


Lance Codling, Forest Hill Manager, gave an update:


·         Maintenance issues have been addressed, a new company is now

         responsible    for repairing the equipment in the gym. Where there was

         previously a lot of equipment out of order it has all been fixed now with

         only one out of order, due to be fixed next week

·         Leaks in the building which are being looked at

·         Problems with class cover and staff, Fusion LS are looking at recruitment

·         Cleaning issues are being addressed


Questions from the floor:


Q -Barrier should be repaired

A- Currently waiting on a company to come back with a date to fix the barrier, this

should be repaired over the next few weeks


Q- Yoga classes are oversubscribed, bookings are not managed correctly- the classes

are stated as full but there are spaces where people don't turn up that have booked.

There are also not enough classes, for example Yoga and Pilates

A – Fusion LS are currently looking for Yoga and Pilates instructors, they try to offer a

diverse programme and put classes on at the right time. They also advised that the class

programme is being reviewed and a new program will be available from April.


Q- Aqua aerobic class’s timings need to be looked at, it was pointed out that it clashed

with school pick up times and could there be another class during the day?


A -Customer surveys are going out to find out when and what people’s choices are to

help with the new timetable from April


Q- Concerns were raised over Fusion Lifestyles financial position and their recovery plan

Is there a recovery plan in operation?

Is the company making a loss or a profit?


A - Lance referred these questions onto higher management via the councillors in their

follow up meetings.


Q -The current Perception of Fusion LS is that it is not well run organisation

A -Lance commented that the issues that have been raised are been looked at and

they are not falling on deaf ears


Q- There was a comment on staff shortage and lack of staff cover for classes

A -Lance advised that they were currently running a pool lifeguard course and continue

to search for more staff and continue to develop staff.

They also run apprenticeships at Fusion Lifestyle


A comment was made on how helpful and friendly the Forest Hill pool staff are.


Q - Another comment was around there being less lockers available and are broken,

do the lockers have a Maintenance Plan?

A - Fusion don't have a contract for locker repairs but they have an in house Facilities

Management team that cover locker issues.

There was a security problem with the breaking in of lockers but this has been resolved

by the culprit being caught by Fusion staff and arrested


Q - There are 2 Diving blocks that not in use

A – They are due to be repaired shortly


Q- A comment was made about the music being too loud in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Reclaim Project run by Nxt Steps 4 Communities - Natalie Wright

Presentation on their services that support families, victims and communities impacted by knife crime or serious youth violence


Presentation by Natalie Wright on their services that support families, victims

and communities impacted by knife crime or serious youth violence.


Nxt Steps 4 Communities run a community hub every Friday, 11-4pm (by

appointment only) where they listen and offer support to parents/carers on any

concerns they may have about preventing or understanding these issues.


They provide:

·         Family Support Service

·         Community forums

·         Free volunteer training

·         Free legal advice ( subject to conditions)


Offsite support Monday- Thursday. 

Interested in Volunteering? Please get in touch.

Nxt Steps 4 Communities

124 Kilmorie Road (Opp Kilmorie School) SE23 2SR Tel:07804537843 / twitter @Ns4cR. / Instagram @ns4cr 



Setting assembly priorities for the year - Cllr Sophie Davis

           What would you like to see at future assemblies?

           What do you want from your local assembly? 


·         Are the ward priorities still the same?

·         Have some priorities changed

·         What priorities, if any, are missing?


Cllr Sophie Davis explained that the current assembly fund will be cut for 2019/20. This decision has been made as a result of the general council cuts, taking into account the protection of statutory services.

There may be CIL funding but currently the outcome is unknown.


Current priorities:

·         Youth engagement and provision

·         Making Forest Hill more attractive and healthy 

·         Community events 

·         Supporting local Traders

The assembly agreed that the priorities were still relevant and await an update on future




Join the Forest Hill Assembly Coordinating Group

           Feedback forms – agenda items next meeting


Cllr Davis highlighted the importance of completing the feedback forms and invited members to join the coordinating group which plans the assembly and discusses local issues and updates. If you would like to join contact

for further information.