Council meetings

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Main Hall, 1st Floor, Conisborough College, Conisborough Crescent, CAtford SE6 2SE

Contact: Lucy Formolli 

No. Item


Welcome and introductions


Cllr Stamirowski introduced herself as Chair stepping in for Councillor Amrani.


Update on Catford Regeneration / details about the smaller projects team and Q&A


Eleanor Hoyle, Catford Regeneration update and Power Point Presentation


Update on the current changes at the Broadway. Started in June, aiming to finish by March. Work is being done on the shop fronts and awnings, new lighting etc, the whole area will be pedestrianised and feel more like the heart of the Town Centre with access for traders to be able to set up the market. The market is successful and expanding and they have been working with traders to attend courses young people and food traders have attended training. Catford Market first Sunday of every month. Next one is Sunday 1st December is the Catford Centre Christmas tree light switch on event.


Eleanor let the group know about the pop up restaurant that has been happening and that it has moved to the centre and taken residence an empty unit and rebranded the Catford Canteen. Good opportunity to give food traders the opportunity to show case their wares. More information at the grub club website.


The stations are a big issue, particularly that they are the gateway to our area so can give a bad first impression. Key things are improved signage at the centre. Accessibility issues so working on accsess for disabled people Lots of different groups have a stake in the stations with different and conflicting interests so it can be difficult to change network rail, TLF GLA, Barratt, Environment agency etc. Challenge and opportunity to get partners together. Understanding how those pieces of work come together to go for larger funded pots. Eleanor reminded the group that they have spoke to the Assembly about the local plan and area action plan which has principles and guidance for development and approach to achieve objectives not prescriptive but principles and guidance for developers to achieve the objectives for Town Centre. Regeneration are also working on smaller scale projects for smaller spaces. We are enlisting urban designers and will be carrying out consultations in December and the new year for local people to highlight their priorities. Looking for Low value and high impact projects such as cleaning up the green squares in he centre etc. This will be in place to help bid for external funding and will help be ready for tight turn around on funding streams. If anyone has smaller ideas for projects for the town centre contact


Update on the current status of Catford Stadium redevelopment and that they have now presented on the section 73 where they have made minor changes to the original development proposals and these have been very well received by the council and local people when they have consulted. Barratt are the developer for this project.

TFL target key bits of road the route through afford has been identified as a road that needs improvement. Possibility for funding for this will update at a future meeting.


Q. Cyclists in the Town Centre are they part of the plan

A. Cyclists are a priority.


Q. Is there truth to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Corbett Resident Association Update on Sandhurt Parade Feasibility Study



A reminder about the plan for the action plan from last years assembly fund.


Lat year Corbett Resident association were successful in their bid for a feasibility study to improve Sandhurst Parade  a Power Point presentation of the work undertaken. Introduced Richard Peckham the Landscape Architect to present.


They have worked hard to produced an action plan


A small project around local shopping parade for convenience shopping.

Have worked with Ladywell village centre for their improvements. Gave detail about why the changes were needed and what issues there are on the parade in particular parking on the street. More details are on the presentation attached. Have done much consultation in the area. 100% of people surveyed supported the changes proposed. Survey detail on presentation. Looking into Section 106 and transport funding. One of the important parts of this plan is to package it properly so when funding bids come up the group are ready to go to bid must in the same way as the regeneration team. And be a part of the formal process for regeneration. On track to get £300000 pitnd for this project



Q. Great idea and needed, if anyone has spoken to the police about anti social behaviour in the area

A.  Cllr Stamirowski, on at Safer Neighbourhood Team all the time to do something all the time. The project is part of addressing this. It is always first item of the agenda at the SNT meetings, if you want to go contact Kate Richardson to put you on the mailing list. 


Q. What is happening to the bus stops?

A.  There are no change to the bus stops


Q. Fantastic that this plan is coming together

A. Brain child of the Corbett Residents Association and are highly active to get Catford South looking and feeling better



Catford Bulbs In Bloom update


Anne Marie Parker From Lewisham Gardens. I run a small environmental consultancy called Lewisham Gardens small community events to get people engaged in their environments, have been working in hither green to work on their train station to a lovely space covered in bulbs and increasing wildlife

Work with network rail and Lewisham council

This summer Catford in Bloom competition didn’t happen and instead we are working with local community groups to help green up the area. Went for bulbs as they are simple and anyone can plant a bulb. Inviting schools community groups any where with a small space outside in public view or public space to brighten up the area 5000 bulbs to give away of many of varieties

I have a sign up sheet for anyone interested come next spring and summer Catford’s bulbs should be in bloom and the area should be looking beautiful send photos into the Facebook Page.


Information about how to get involved was given.



Assembly Fund Voting Process


Notice from the Cllr Stamirowski that the full bids were gone through by the Coordinating Group with a fine tooth comb and these bids were recommended to the Assembly to vote on if they should receive funding. The full applications were broken down into the packs given out at the Assembly and the comments of the coordinating group giving were available on the packs.



Presentations of Recommended projects


Groups were introduced to present their projects to the full Assembly


Presentations on projects were made by the following groups


Conisborough School afterschool film club

Lewisham Youth Theatre – ‘Catford Tails’ cross generational project

Corbett residents Association Bag It Bin It – dog mess project

Corbett residents Association – Snow Wardens Scheme

Sunbeam tots playgroup

Corbett Residents Association - Sandhurst Parade Christmas Market  

Conisborough Community Cuppa Club (“The 4C’s”)

Corbett Residents Association - Community Notice Board

The formation of The Archibald Corbett Society






A vote was taken on if these projects should get funded


Yes votes 65

No votes 2

Abstentions 3





Rik Andrew asked a question about Noise of Emergency vehicles


Does anyone else have a problem with the amount of emergency vehicle noise in the area. Collectively writing to the council


Does anyone support what Rik is saying 19 hands raised. Cllr Stamirowski can think about what to do and suggested Rik speak to Heidi Alexander.


Question regarding planning permission for windows on conservation properties, Culverley Green RA answered


Update on Abottshall Road Playing Fields