Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Civic Suite, Lewisham Town Hall, London SE6 4RU

Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327 

No. Item


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 209 KB




None were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 25 KB

Additional documents:




RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on February 28 2018 be

confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 27 KB




RESOLVED that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972,

the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of

business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt

information as defined in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of

the Act, as amended by the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)

(Access to Information) (Amendments) (England) Regulations 2006 and the

public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in

disclosing the information:-


4.         Social Impact Bond for Supporting Care Leavers Contract Award.

5.         Re-Procurement of inpatient Detoxification Service.

6.         Beckenham Place Park landscaping works restoration contract award.

7.         Residential Care at Holmebury Dene.

8.         Young Persons Pathway Contract Award.

9.         Contract Award for Ashmead Primary School Expansion Stage 2.


Social Impact Bond for Supporting Care Leavers Contract Award


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, Mayor

and Cabinet (Contracts) agreed that:


(1) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for CYP to enter into a

grant agreement with the Department for Education (DfE) for testing the use

of social investment to improve support for care leavers;


(2) the award of an outcomes-based contract be made for the provision of an

assertive Education, Training and Employment (ETE) service for Care

Leavers to Outcomes for Care Leavers from April 2018 for a period of four



(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for CYP to finalise the

negotiation of the terms of the contract with Outcomes for Care Leavers; and


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for CYP to negotiate and

enter in to a tripartite agreement with the London Borough of Bromley and the

Royal Borough of Greenwich to formalise joint working arrangements as part

of the project.


The Mayor asked how advanced were the Royal Borough of Greenwich and

the Borough of Bromle in collaborating with the plans and was informed they

had been joint partners from the onset.


In answer to a question from Councillor Millbank, officers confirmed the

initiative followed a direct approach from the Department of Education which

was testing a new model.


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, Mayor

and Cabinet (Contracts), for the reasons set out in the report:




(1) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for CYP to enter into a

grant agreement with the Department for Education (DfE) for testing the use

of social investment to improve support for care leavers;


(2) the award of an outcomes-based contract be made for the provision of an

assertive Education, Training and Employment (ETE) service for Care

Leavers to Outcomes for Care Leavers from April 2018 for a period of four



(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for CYP to finalise the

negotiation of the terms of the contract with Outcomes for Care Leavers; and


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for CYP to negotiate and

enter in to a tripartite agreement with the London Borough of Bromley and the

Royal Borough of Greenwich to formalise joint working arrangements as part

of the project.


Re-Procurement of inpatient Detoxification Service


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Councillor Janet Daby, Mayor and

Cabinet (Contracts) agreed that


(1) the re-procurement of in-patient detoxification services for Alcohol and

Substance Misuse. (Adults) for a period of 3 years, with an option to extend

for a further 2 years, be approved at an stated annual value;


(2) the use of the agreed 2018-19 Public Health Grant funded budget

allocation for 2018-19 of a stated value per annum be approved;


(3) a total stated spend for the duration of the 3 years of the contract be

approved, with a potential additional stated spend if the option is exercised. 


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Councillor Janet Daby, Mayor and

Cabinet (Contracts), for the reasons set out in the report:




(1) the re-procurement of in-patient detoxification services for Alcohol and

Substance Misuse. (Adults) for a period of 3 years, with an option to extend

for a further 2 years, be approved at an stated annual value;


(2) the use of the agreed 2018-19 Public Health Grant funded budget

allocation for 2018-19 of a stated value per annum be approved;


(3) a total stated spend for the duration of the 3 years of the contract be

approved, with a potential additional stated spend if the option is exercised. 


Beckenham Place Park landscaping works restoration contract award


Having considered a confidential officer report, Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts)

agreed that the contract for the regeneration of Beckenham Place Park be

awarded to id verde at a stated contract value.


The Mayor asked about the track record of the recommended company and

was informed they had been in business for 45 years and had delivered over

400 water projects to a very high standard.


Having considered a confidential officer report, Mayor and Cabinet

(Contracts), for the reasons set out in the report:


RESOLVED that the contract for the regeneration of Beckenham Place Park

be awarded to id verde at a stated contract value.


Residential Care at Holmebury Dene


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Health, Well-Being & Older People, Councillor Chris

Best, Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts) agreed that


(1) the award of contract from 1st April 2018 to Providence Linc United

Services (PLUS) be approved for 6 residential care beds, 1 interim placement

bed and 1 residential respite bed at Holmbury Dene at a stated cost per

annum for the 6 long term residential beds (at a total stated cost per person

per annum, and stated cost per person per week) and a stated cost per

annum representing a holding fee for the hotel costs associated with the

interim and respite beds (17/18 prices)., representing a stated total contract

price per annum;


(2) the contract be awarded for a period of three years with a possible

extension of two from the 1st April 2018;


(3) the day time service costs associated with the delivery of the interim and

respite service be assessed on an individual basis ‘as and when’ those beds

might be required and reflect the needs and levels of dependency/

independence of those named individuals at an additional cost to that quoted

for the main contract but net of any cost of night time support delivered from

within the core contract price;


(4) the contract be awarded at London Living Wage in line with existing

Learning Disability Framework Terms and Conditions; and


(5) upon the approval of these recommendations, the current contract with

PLUS for residential respite care will be terminated.


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Health, Well-Being & Older People, Councillor Chris

Best, Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts) for the reasons set out in the report:




(1) the award of contract from 1st April 2018 to Providence Linc United

Services (PLUS) be approved for 6 residential care beds, 1 interim placement

bed and 1 residential respite bed at Holmbury Dene at a stated cost per

annum for the 6 long term residential beds (at a total stated cost per person

per annum, and stated cost per person per week) and a stated cost per

annum representing a holding fee for the hotel costs associated with the

interim and respite beds (17/18 prices)., representing a stated total contract

price per annum;


(2) the contract be awarded for a period of three years with a possible

extension of two from the 1st April 2018;


(3) the day time service costs associated with the delivery of the interim and

respite service be assessed on an individual basis ‘as and when’ those beds

might be required and reflect the needs and levels of dependency/

independence of those named individuals at an additional cost to that quoted

for the main contract but net of any cost of night time support delivered from

within the core contract price;


(4) the contract be awarded at London Living Wage in line with existing

Learning Disability Framework Terms and Conditions; and


(5) upon the approval of these recommendations, the current contract with

PLUS for residential respite care will be terminated.


Young Persons Pathway Contract Award


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, Mayor

and Cabinet (Contracts) agreed that the award of contract for an

accommodation-based support service for young people be made to Look

Ahead from June 1st, 2018 for a period of 3 years with an option to extend a

further 2 years dependant on performance and strategic priorities at a stated

annual value for this support contract.


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, Mayor

and Cabinet (Contracts) for the reasons set out in the report:


RESOLVED that the award of contract for an accommodation-based support

service for young people be made to Look Ahead from June 1st, 2018 for a

period of 3 years with an option to extend a further 2 years dependant on

performance and strategic priorities at a stated annual value for this support



Contract Award for Ashmead Primary School Expansion Stage 2


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, Mayor

and Cabinet (Contracts) agreed that:


(1) the award of a contract of works for a stated maximum value be made to

Engie Ltd (previously Keepmoat Regeneration Ltd), to facilitate the second

stage design and build delivery of a one form of entry expansion at Ashmead

Primary School, Ashmead Road, London SE8 4DX;


(2) the revised delivery budget for this scheme of a stated figure (including

fees and contingency) representing a stated approximate decrease on the

original stated budget agreed in March 2017.


(3) while planning permission is pending, approval under delegated authority

for an early works agreement wbe sought from the Executive Director for

Resources and Regeneration, for a value no greater than a stated amount

subsumed into the overall contract value once the contract is signed; and


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources &

Regeneration to negotiate final contract terms with Engie Ltd, within the

financial and other constraints set out.


Officers confirmed that the expansion proposal would be subject to planning

permission being granted.


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, Mayor

and Cabinet (Contracts) for the reasons set out in the report:




(1) the award of a contract of works for a stated maximum value be made to

Engie Ltd (previously Keepmoat Regeneration Ltd), to facilitate the second

stage design and build delivery of a one form of entry expansion at Ashmead

Primary School, Ashmead Road, London SE8 4DX;


(2) the revised delivery budget for this scheme of a stated figure (including

fees and contingency) representing a stated approximate decrease on the

original stated budget agreed in March 2017.


(3) while planning permission is pending, approval under delegated authority

for an early works agreement wbe sought from the Executive Director for

Resources and Regeneration, for a value no greater than a stated amount

subsumed into the overall contract value once the contract is signed; and


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources &

Regeneration to negotiate final contract terms with Engie Ltd, within the

financial and other constraints set out.


The meeting closed at 6.05pm