Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Committee Rooms 1 & 2 - Civic Suite. View directions

Contact: Jasmine Kassim 0208 3148577 

No. Item


Declarations of Interests pdf icon PDF 207 KB


The meeting noted declaration of personal interest by Councillor Tom Copley as a Member of the Greater London Authority.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 6 KB

Additional documents:





Additional documents:




That full planning permission be GRANTED for the Demolition of existing buildings (Axion House), 1 Silver Road, SE13 and the construction of buildings ranging between 5 to 16 storeys in height, to provide 141 residential units, and flexible B1/A1/A3/D2 commercial uses, associated landscaping works, vehicular access, cycle and car parking.


subject to:


·                referral of the application and this Report and any other required documents to the Mayor for London (Greater London Authority) under Article 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 (Category 1C (1.(c)) of the Schedule of the Order) and;

·                the prior completion of a Legal Agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the 1990 Act (and other appropriate powers) to secure the PLANNING OBLIGATIONS detailed in Section 10.


And to authorise:


·                the Director of Law to negotiate and complete a legal agreement to cover among other things the matters.

·                the Director of Planning to issue the planning permission and impose conditions (and informatives).

·                the Director of Planning to make changes to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions, informatives, planning obligations or reasons for the decision) prior to the decision being actioned, provided that the Director of Planning is satisfied that any such changes could not reasonably be regarded as deviating from the overall principle of the decision reached by the Committee nor that such change(s) could reasonably have led to a different decision having been reached by Committee.


And further requirements as follows:


·                To formulate a Section 106 Agreement, requiring a Parking Management Plan to be submitted by the developer in relation to disabled and charging bays, and how these would be managed.

·                To formulate a condition requiring letter boxes to be erected on the doors of each residential unit.




The Planning Officer gave an illustrative presentation to the report, recommending to the Committee to approve the recommendation and grant full planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings situated on a site at 1 Silver Road, London, SE13 7BQ.  It was stated that details in the Addendum Report circulated at the meeting consisted of minor amendments to the main report.


The Committee noted the report, and the addendum.  It was recognised that a similar application was considered at Planning Committee A on 27 September 2018 for which a decision was resolved to refuse permission for non-compliance with Building Research Establishment (BRE) standards, and on the basis that the bulk and mass of buildings to be constructed would be excessive.  The applicant, following the resolution to refuse withdrew the planning application.  An amended application was not being considered by Strategic Planning Committee.  


In light of an enquiry by the Chair, Councillor John Paschoud, Members responded that they would comment on the proposal later on in the proceeding.


The meeting proceeded with the agents acting for the applicant echoing statements that the proposal under consideration was a resubmission.  It was stated that after the previous scheme was refused, the applicant held meetings with the Council’s planning officers, and engaged extensively with residents and other interested parties, including officials at the Greater London Authority (GLA) and Transport for London (TfL).  Thus, views expressed by key stakeholders were taken on board during the revision to and deliver improvements.  The agents suggested that the Committee should approve the recommendation in the report, as the revisions were compliant with the relevant planning guidelines. 


The agents continued with their submission, highlighting to the Committee that the proposed site consisted of unused buildings that were in disrepair, and detracting from the quality of the environment.  It was stated that the applicant was seeking to bring into existence a residential community to occupy contextualised dwellings of 106 private units and 35 affordable homes.  It was stated that commercial spaces for flexible uses would also be delivered on the proposed site.  Thus, the proposal would enhance the street scene, the public realm, and biodiversity in the area, with an opportunity for increased footfall into Lewisham’s Town Centre in light of plans to implement way-finding pedestrianised signs, with access to the Ravensbourne River.


In response to questions raised, the agents confirmed to the Committee that the residential elements of the scheme would face toward the Ravensbourne River, and the commercial elements would be sited towards the railway line.  It was stated that the landscape would inevitably become attractive as the trees and shrubs to be planted develop over time.  Furthermore, differences in appearance between private and social units would be minimal because the quality of materials and design for each single block would be tenure blind.  The agents also clarified that the public realm in private and affordable areas of the proposed development would not be better to each other, but would be different.  The Committee was further advised that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.