Venue: Civic Suite Catford SE6 4RU
Contact: Clare Weaser
No. | Item |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 29 August 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Declaration of interests PDF 206 KB Minutes: Councillor Millbank declared a non-pecuniary in item 3 on the agenda because she is the ward member for Telegraph Hill.
Hatcham Liberal Club 367 Queens Road SE14 5HB PDF 116 KB Additional documents:
Decision: In the matter of the application for a new Club Premises Certificate, the Committee has considered the relevant representations made.
The Committee has made the following determination:
With a view to ensuring the promotion of the licensing objectives, in accordance with the provisions of the statutory guidance and the principles of our licensing policy, the application for a new Club Premises Certificate, was GRANTED with the following amendments:
1. There shall be no live music; and
2. Opening hours shall be:
Monday to Thursday 11am – 3pm Friday Saturday and Sunday 11am – 11pm.
The following conditions are to be included on the Club Premises Certificate.
a) All crimes reported to the venue b) All ejections of patrons c) Any complaints received d) Any incidents of disorder e) All seizure of drugs or offensive weapons f) Any faults in the CCTV system g) Any refusal of the sale of alcohol h) Any visit by a relevant authority or emergency service
Minutes: 3.1 The Chair welcomed all parties to the meeting and introductions were made. She then invited Ms Spall to introduce the application.
3.2 Ms Kidd-Morton said that in this report and the J6 restaurant report, there is an element of the report that is missing; the equalities implications. She reminded members of their statutory duties under the Equalities Act 2010.
Licensing Officer
3.3 Ms Spall said that members were being asked to consider an application for a new club premises certificate sought by Hatcham Liberal Club for Hatcham Liberal Club 367 Queens Road SE14 5HD. Objections had been received from 6 residents who live in close proximity to the premises. The objection is sought on the grounds of perceived public nuisance, crime and disorder, and public safety from the patrons. Ms Spall then introduced the applicant and objectors who would be addressing the Committee.
3.4 Mr Boscic said that Hatcham Liberal Club has been in existence for over 70 years. Ten years ago it went into dilapidation. He contacted a development company who helped to develop the premises back to a club and at the same time his costs would allow for internal flats and an external club attached to the back of the premises.
3.5 Mr Boscic said that this would be a members’ only club for local people of the older generation, to play cards, dominos and watch TV. There used to be bands playing at the club but he would not have any bands because the premises is too small. However, they may have a band once every 6 months or not at all, he did not know. He said that he had agreed to all the conditions suggested by licensing officers. CCTV for example is already installed.
3.6 Mr Boscic said that the club has not opened. However, residents had complained about noise. In hindsight he should not have had a party; it was his daughter’s 21st birthday party on 21 January 2018, and he was on the premises. He also allowed a funeral wake to be held at the premises. It finished at 11-11.30pm and everything had been cleared and tidied. He said that all the complaints were directly as a result of these events but the premises has not opened as a business yet.
3.7 The Chair asked the objectors present whether they all live in the building. All but one resident confirmed that they do. She asked whether they were advised that there was a club on the plans when they moved into their homes. They said that they had not been told.
3.8 Councillor Millbank declared that she is a ward member for Telegraph Hill which has the ward in which the premises is situated. Councillor Millbank said that she understood that when the front of the building was developed, it was within the planning application that included plans for a club. She confirmed that she had not been in contact with any of the residents on this issue.
J6 Restaurant 199-201 Lewisham Way London SE4 1UY PDF 118 KB Additional documents:
Decision: In the matter of the application for a new Premises Licence the Committee has considered the relevant representations made.
The Committee has made the following determination:
With a view to ensuring the promotion of the licensing objectives, in accordance with the provisions of the statutory guidance and the principles of our licensing policy, the application for a new premises licence was GRANTED subject to the following conditions being added to the premises licence.
1. The premises shall install and maintain a comprehensive CCTV system. All entry and exit points will be covered enabling frontal identification of every person entering in any light condition. The CCTV system shall continually record whilst the premises is open for licensable activities and during all times when customers remain on the premises. All recordings shall be stored for a minimum period of 31 days with date and time stamping. Recordings shall be made available upon the request of Police or authorized officer throughout the preceding 31-day period, such copies shall in any event be provided within forty-eight (48) hours.
2. A staff member from the premises who is conversant with the operation of the CCTV system shall be on the premises at all times when the premises are open to the public. This staff member must be able to show a Local Authority or Police Officer recent data or footage when requested.
3. The CCTV system must cover the area used for smoking and the area used for queue`s.
4. There shall be a personal licence holder that must be employed by the premises on duty on the premises at all times when the premises are conducting licensable activities after 20:00hrs.
5. The premises shall prominently display signage at all entrances informing customers:- · All persons entering this premises maybe liable to be searched. Agreement to search is a condition of entry. If persons do not consent entry will be refused · Police may be called if drugs or weapons are found. · The premises has a zero tolerance on drugs · CCTV is in operation throughout these premises and is made available to the police. · Any person found carrying weapons or illegal drugs will be permanently excluded and the police will be informed. · Management reserve the right to refuse entry.
6. When operating as a restaurant:
A minimum of one (1) SIA registered door supervisor must be on duty when the premises is conducting licensable activity after midnight. When open past midnight the door supervisors must be on duty from 2200hrs until 30 minutes after closing.
7. When holding a private event:
A minimum of two (2) SIA registered door staff, of which one (1) must be female must be on duty when the premises is conducting licensable activity whilst holding a private party or other music / DJ event which finishes after midnight. When holding such events the door supervisors must be on duty from 2200hrs until 30 minutes after closing. When such events are taking place all customers including dj`s will be searched as a condition ... view the full decision text for item 30. Minutes: 4.1 The Chair welcomed all parties to the meeting and introductions were made. She then invited Ms Spall to introduce the application.
Licensing Officer
4.2 Ms Spall said that members were being asked to consider an application for a review of a premises licence for J6 Restaurant 199-201 Lewisham Way SE4 1UY. Representations have been received from eleven residents who live in close proximity to the premises. The objections were being sought under perceived grounds of public nuisance, crime and disorder, and public safety. The applicant was present but there were no objectors at the meeting. The objections that were received, were all received on exactly the same day and it was also the last day for representations.
4.3 Mr Owoade said that the premises will be run as an African Restaurant, alcohol will be served only with a meal and there will not be any off sales of alcohol. There will not be any live music on the premises just background music.
4.4 Councillor Howard asked whether the premises is open to the public yet. Mr Owoade said that it was open on 25 August 2018. The premises is operating under Temporary Event Notices.
4.5 P.C Gerry said that there are two further conditions that Police posed to the applicant. One was with regard to zero tolerance of drugs and the other was with regard to police being allowed to use drug techniques to search the premises. The applicant agreed to these conditions.
4.6 Members of the Committee then withdrew to make their decision. When they returned it was:
RESOLVED that the Premises Licence be granted with all the added conditions.
4.7 Ms Spall said that any registered party and the applicant may appeal against this decision to the Magistrates Court within 21 days from the date of the decision letter which would be sent out within 5 days of the meeting.
Exclusion of the Press and Public PDF 25 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4 (2) (b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information:
6. Costcutters (trading as Local Supermarket), 503 New Cross Road, SE14 6TQ
The following is a summary of the item considered in the closed part of the meeting.
6. Costcutters (trading as Local Supermarket), 503 New Cross Road, SE14 6TQ
The Premises Licence was revoked.
Costcutter (trading as Local Supermarket), 503 New Cross Road, SE14 6TQ |