Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327 


No. Item


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 208 KB




None were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 25 KB

Additional documents:




RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on June 27 2018 be

confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies pdf icon PDF 26 KB




No matters were raised.


Outstanding Scrutiny Matters pdf icon PDF 107 KB




RESOLVED that the report be noted.


New Homes Procurement pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the progress made on the New Homes, Better Places Programme be



(2) funding be approved for Lewisham Homes (acting as the Council’s

development agent) to appoint a contractor to deliver construction works to a

total of 88 new homes across five sites, known as Package B (Somerville

Estate Site C, Bampton Estate, Algernon Road, Grace Path and Silverdale

Hall), as part of the New Homes Better Places Development programme. The

total estimated value of this procurement is £25.7m (inclusive of a 10%



(3) funding be approved for Lewisham Homes (acting as the Council’s

development agent) to appoint a contractor to deliver construction works to up

to 64 new homes across three schemes, known as Package C, (Knapdale

Close, Hillcrest Estate, Kenton Court) as part of the New Homes Better

Places Development programme. The total estimated value of this

procurement is £22.5m (inclusive of a 10% contingency);


(4) funding be approved for Lewisham Homes (acting as the Council’s

development agent) to appoint a contractor to deliver construction works to 6

new homes at the scheme known as Marnock Road in Crofton Park ward as

part of the New Homes Better Places Development programme. The total

estimated value of this procurement is £1.68m (inclusive of a 10%



(5) funding be approved for Lewisham Homes (acting as the Council’s

development agent) to appoint a contractor to deliver construction works to 9

new homes at the scheme known as Endwell Road in Telegraph Hill ward as

part of the New Homes Better Places Development programme. The total

estimated value of this procurement is £2.3m (inclusive of a 10%



(6) a procurement strategy for the next three off-site manufactured

developments be presented to Mayor and Cabinet in September 2018.


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report, by 8 votes to nil:




(1) the progress made on the New Homes, Better Places Programme be



(2) funding be approved for Lewisham Homes (acting as the Council’s

development agent) to appoint a contractor to deliver construction works to a

total of 88 new homes across five sites, known as Package B (Somerville

Estate Site C, Bampton Estate, Algernon Road, Grace Path and Silverdale

Hall), as part of the New Homes Better Places Development programme. The

total estimated value of this procurement is £25.7m (inclusive of a 10%



(3) funding be approved for Lewisham Homes (acting as the Council’s

development agent) to appoint a contractor to deliver construction works to up

to 64 new homes across three schemes, known as Package C, (Knapdale

Close, Hillcrest Estate, Kenton Court) as part of the New Homes Better

Places Development programme. The total estimated value of this

procurement is £22.5m (inclusive of a 10% contingency);


(4) funding be approved for Lewisham Homes (acting as the Council’s

development agent) to appoint a contractor to deliver construction works to 6

new homes at the scheme known as Marnock Road in Crofton Park ward as

part of the New Homes Better Places Development programme. The total

estimated value of this procurement is £1.68m (inclusive of a 10%



(5) funding be approved for Lewisham Homes (acting as the Council’s

development agent) to appoint a contractor to deliver construction works to 9

new homes at the scheme known as Endwell Road in Telegraph Hill ward as

part of the New Homes Better Places Development programme. The total

estimated value of this procurement is £2.3m (inclusive of a 10%



(6) a procurement strategy for the next three off-site manufactured

developments be presented to Mayor and Cabinet in September 2018.


Secretary of State Approval Milford Towers pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, the tabled comments of the Housing

Select Committee and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing,

Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the environmental and financial benefits of the leasing arrangement with

Notting Hill Genesis and the rationale for extending the current arrangements

be noted;


(2) subject to Secretary of State’s consent being obtained under Section 32 of

the Housing Act 1985, the leasing arrangement be extended for a further six

years to December 2024, with reviews to be held annually, and the ability for

both parties to end the arrangement at the annual review stage;


(3) Council be recommended that the Council should apply to the Secretary of

State for permission under Section 32 of the Housing Act 1985 to extend the

leasing arrangement in the manner set out in this report;


(4) the proposed points 7.15 and 7.16 be noted and officers carry out the

review as set out in paragraphs 7.16; and


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services, in

consultation with the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration and

the Head of Law, to agree the final terms of the extension with Notting Hill and all associated legal documentation.



In introducing the report, Councillor Bell referred to the written comments

received following the pre-decision scrutiny undertaken by the Housing Select

Committee which were in support of the recommendations.


Having considered an officer report, the tabled comments of the Housing

Select Committee and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing,

Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the

report, by 8 votes to nil:




(1) the environmental and financial benefits of the leasing arrangement with

Notting Hill Genesis and the rationale for extending the current arrangements

be noted;


(2) subject to Secretary of State’s consent being obtained under Section 32 of

the Housing Act 1985, the leasing arrangement be extended for a further six

years to December 2024, with reviews to be held annually, and the ability for

both parties to end the arrangement at the annual review stage;


(3) Council be recommended that the Council should apply to the Secretary of

State for permission under Section 32 of the Housing Act 1985 to extend the

leasing arrangement in the manner set out in this report;


(4) the proposed points 7.15 and 7.16 be noted and officers carry out the

review as set out in paragraphs 7.16; and


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services, in

consultation with the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration and

the Head of Law, to agree the final terms of the extension with Notting Hill and all associated legal documentation.



CAMHS Savings Response to CYP Select Committee pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that the report be noted and a review be commissioned by the

Lead Cabinet Member, Councillor Chris Barnham who has asked Councillor

Octavia Holland to assist him. The review will consider the extent to which the

emotional and mental health needs of Lewisham’s children and young people

are being met and outline options for improvement and will inform the refresh

of the CYP Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and feed into the council’s wider budget strategy.


Councillor Chris Best updated the Cabinet on discussions which had taken

place at the Health and Well Being Board relating to children’s mental health.


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and

Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report, by 8 votes to nil:


RESOLVED that the report be noted and a review be commissioned by the

Lead Cabinet Member, Councillor Chris Barnham who has asked Councillor

Octavia Holland to assist him. The review will consider the extent to which the

emotional and mental health needs of Lewisham’s children and young people

are being met and outline options for improvement and will inform the refresh

of the CYP Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and feed into the council’s

wider budget strategy.


Local Authority Governor Nomination pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that the person set out below be nominated as local authority



Dr. Betty Liebovich              Clyde Early Childhood Centre


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and

Cabinet, by 8 votes to nil:


RESOLVED that the person set out below be nominated as local authority



Dr. Betty Liebovich              Clyde Early Childhood Centre


Financial Results 2017-18 pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor

and Cabinet agreed that the current financial results for the year ending 31

March 2018 be noted.


Officers confirmed that the report had already been considered by the Public

Accounts Select Committee. An addendum replacing paragraph 6.1 was

tabled at the meeting.


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor

and Cabinet by 8 votes to nil:


RESOLVED that the current financial results for the year ending 31 March

2018 be noted.


Financial Forecasts 2018-19 pdf icon PDF 29 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor

and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2019 and the

action being taken by the Executive Directors to manage down the forecasted

year-end overspend.


(2) the revised capital programme budget, as set out in section 13 with further

detail attached at appendices 1 and 2, be noted


(3) a re-run of the first quarter monitoring position for 2018/19 take place over

the summer months and be presented to members in the autumn.


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor

and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report, by 8 votes to nil




(1) the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2019 and the

action being taken by the Executive Directors to manage down the forecasted

year-end overspend.


(2) the revised capital programme budget, as set out in section 13 with further

detail attached at appendices 1 and 2, be noted


(3) a re-run of the first quarter monitoring position for 2018/19 take place over

the summer months and be presented to members in the autumn.


Medium Term Financial Strategy 2019-20 pdf icon PDF 29 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor

and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the 2019/20 to 2022/23 Medium Term Financial Strategy be endorsed;


(2) a further update be brought back as part of the cuts and budget setting

process to reflect any changes arising from the Autumn Budget or Local

Government Finance Settlement;


(3) the lifting of the Departmental Expenditure Permission (DEP) / Corporate

Expenditure (CEP) process take place except for those services that

overspent in 2017/18 and implementation be delegated to the Executive

Director for Resources and Regeneration; and


(4) the revised Treasury and Capital Strategies at Appendix 3 and 4 be



Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor

and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report, by 8 votes to nil




(1) the 2019/20 to 2022/23 Medium Term Financial Strategy be endorsed;


(2) a further update be brought back as part of the cuts and budget setting

process to reflect any changes arising from the Autumn Budget or Local

Government Finance Settlement;


(3) the lifting of the Departmental Expenditure Permission (DEP) / Corporate

Expenditure (CEP) process take place except for those services that

overspent in 2017/18 and implementation be delegated to the Executive

Director for Resources and Regeneration; and


(4) the revised Treasury and Capital Strategies at Appendix 3 and 4 be



Excalibur Phase 3 Land Assembly pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the progress of the Excalibur Estate Regeneration Scheme be noted;


(2) the proposed Phase 3 Project Brief on the basis set out be approved and

authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services, in

consultation with the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration and

Head of Law, to negotiate and agree the final Phase 3 Project Brief with L&Q;


(3) the inclusion of a small piece of additional land into Phase 3 be approved

(as outlined in Appendix 1) and that land be appropriated from housing

purposes to planning purposes under Section 122 of the Local Government

Act 1972; and.


(4) a licence be granted to L&Q to commence demolition and enabling works

to Phase 3.


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the

reasons set out in the report, by 8 votes to nil:




(1) the progress of the Excalibur Estate Regeneration Scheme be noted;


(2) the proposed Phase 3 Project Brief on the basis set out be approved and

authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services, in

consultation with the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration and

Head of Law, to negotiate and agree the final Phase 3 Project Brief with L&Q;


(3) the inclusion of a small piece of additional land into Phase 3 be approved

(as outlined in Appendix 1) and that land be appropriated from housing

purposes to planning purposes under Section 122 of the Local Government

Act 1972; and.


(4) a licence be granted to L&Q to commence demolition and enabling works

to Phase 3.


Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 26 KB




RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local

Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to

Information)(England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4)

of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded

from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds

that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined

in paragraph 3, of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public

interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in

disclosing the information.


            14.       Excalibur Phase 3 Land Assembly part 2


            15.       Contract Award School Minor Capital Works Programme


            16.       Corporate Water Contract Award



Excalibur Phase 3 Land Assembly part 2


Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet

agreed that:


(1) subject to the consent of the Secretary of State under Section 233 of the

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 being obtained, the disposal and

development of the Council’s freehold interest in the Phase 3 site shown by

outline on an attached plan (as Appendix 2) be approved in accordance with

the overarching Principle Development Agreement;


(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources and

Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Director for Customer

Services and Head of Law, to negotiate and agree the detailed terms of the

Phase 3 land disposal;


(3) L&Q be permitted to carry out demolition of the Phase 3 prefabs, and

enabling works of the Phase 3 land with the Council underwriting the cost up

to a stated amount in the event that the Phase 3 land does not transfer to

L&Q and delegates authority be delegated to the Director of Regeneration

and Asset Management, in consultation with the Head of Law, to negotiate

and agree the terms of the licence with L&Q; and


(4) the budget update be noted.


Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet, for

the reasons set out in the report, by 8 votes to nil:




(1) subject to the consent of the Secretary of State under Section 233 of the

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 being obtained, the disposal and

development of the Council’s freehold interest in the Phase 3 site shown by

outline on an attached plan (as Appendix 2) be approved in accordance with

the overarching Principle Development Agreement;


(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources and

Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Director for Customer

Services and Head of Law, to negotiate and agree the detailed terms of the

Phase 3 land disposal;


(3) L&Q be permitted to carry out demolition of the Phase 3 prefabs, and

enabling works of the Phase 3 land with the Council underwriting the cost up

to a stated amount in the event that the Phase 3 land does not transfer to

L&Q and delegates authority be delegated to the Director of Regeneration

and Asset Management, in consultation with the Head of Law, to negotiate

and agree the terms of the licence with L&Q; and


(4) the budget update be noted.


Contract Award School Minor Capital Works Programme


Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for School Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that


(1) the tender process undertaken for the School Minor Works Programme

2018/19 as set out in Section 6, and the results of this tender exercise

detailed in Section 7 and the tender evaluation matrix attached as Appendix B



(2) the proposed overall expenditure for the programme as set out in Section

8 be approved, noting that this is within the budget agreed by the Mayor &

Cabinet on 18 April 2018 and contains a 10% contingency figure, and the

programme for the works set out in Section 8;


(3) the following contracts be awarded to enable the delivery of the School

Minor Works Programme 2018/19:


(a) Contract 1 to Princebuild Ltd for heating related works at Edmund Waller

School, Eliot Bank School, Launcelot School and Marvels Lane School for a

stated value;


(b) Contract 2 to Stonegrove Ltd for heating related works at Brindishe Manor

School, Deptford Park School and Holbeach School for a stated value;


(c) Contract 3 to Savoy Developments Ltd for building fabric related works at

Horniman Primary School and Lucas Vale Primary School for a stated value;


(d) Contract 4 to Breyer Group Ltd for building fabric related works at

Ashmead Primary School and Childeric Primary School for a stated value.


Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for School Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the

Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report, by 8 votes to nil:




(1) the tender process undertaken for the School Minor Works Programme

2018/19 as set out in Section 6, and the results of this tender exercise

detailed in Section 7 and the tender evaluation matrix attached as Appendix B



(2) the proposed overall expenditure for the programme as set out in Section

8 be approved, noting that this is within the budget agreed by the Mayor &

Cabinet on 18 April 2018 and contains a 10% contingency figure, and the

programme for the works set out in Section 8;


(3) the following contracts be awarded to enable the delivery of the School

Minor Works Programme 2018/19:


(a) Contract 1 to Princebuild Ltd for heating related works at Edmund Waller

School, Eliot Bank School, Launcelot School and Marvels Lane School for a

stated value;


(b) Contract 2 to Stonegrove Ltd for heating related works at Brindishe Manor

School, Deptford Park School and Holbeach School for a stated value;


(c) Contract 3 to Savoy Developments Ltd for building fabric related works at

Horniman Primary School and Lucas Vale Primary School for a stated value;


(d) Contract 4 to Breyer Group Ltd for building fabric related works at

Ashmead Primary School and Childeric Primary School for a stated value.


Corporate Water Contract Award


Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the

Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that


(1) the award of contract for the Provision of Water, Wastewater and Ancillary

Services be made to Anglian Water Business (National) Ltd trading as Wave,

for the period of 1 May 2018 to 30 April 2020 (minimum two years), with the

option to extend for a further two years, but not beyond 30 April 2022


(2) any specific terms of the contract be delegated to the Executive Director

for Resources and Regeneration, in consultation with the Head of Law, to

facilitate the execution, implementation and operation of the contract,

including the use of ancillary services available under the contract.


Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the

Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report, by 8

votes to nil:




(1) the award of contract for the Provision of Water, Wastewater and Ancillary

Services be made to Anglian Water Business (National) Ltd trading as Wave,

for the period of 1 May 2018 to 30 April 2020 (minimum two years), with the

option to extend for a further two years, but not beyond 30 April 2022


(2) any specific terms of the contract be delegated to the Executive Director

for Resources and Regeneration, in consultation with the Head of Law, to

facilitate the execution, implementation and operation of the contract,

including the use of ancillary services available under the contract.


The meeting closed at 6.21pm.