Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327 


No. Item


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 209 KB


Councillor Bell declared an interest in Item 10 as a member of the Church of



Councillor Bell declared a personal interest in Item 10 as a member of the

Church of England.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 25 KB

Additional documents:


2 sets approved.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on February 5 and

February 12 2020 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that officers be asked to prepare a Mayoral response to the

issues raised by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


The Mayor and Cabinet received a written referral from the Overview &

Scrutiny Committee.


RESOLVED that officers be asked to prepare a Mayoral response to the

issues raised by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Outstanding Scrutiny Matters pdf icon PDF 202 KB




RESOLVED that the report be noted.


Young Mayor's Budget pdf icon PDF 29 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the 2018-19 Young

Mayor and his advisors and by the Deputy Mayor,


RESOLVED that the Young Mayor’s budget proposals set out below be



Young Mayor’s Youth Poverty Fund


 Work Experience programme


Educational Support


Youth Climate Forum






The proposed budget was jointly introduced by the outgoing Young Mayor,

Adam Abdullah and the outgoing Deputy Young Mayor, Nike Ajijola who

answered questions from members of the Cabinet.


The Mayor concluded by endorsing the four spending proposals and stating

he was proud of Adam and Nike’s achievements, which were the culmination

of their exciting manifestos. He said he had been particularly impressed by

the campaigning aspects of their roles and that he was particularly happy to

support progressive budget proposals..


Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the 2018-19 Young

Mayor and Deputy Young Mayor and by the Deputy Mayor, the Mayor and

Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:


RESOLVED that the Young Mayor’s budget proposals set out below be



Young Mayor’s Youth Poverty Fund


 Work Experience programme


Educational Support


Youth Climate Forum






Lewisham Climate Emergency Action Plan pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie McGeevor, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the Lewisham Climate Emergency Strategic Action Plan be approved;


(2) the ambition for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2030 be affirmed;


(3) the ambitious nature of this target and the need for significant and

sustained action by central government if it is to be delivered be noted;


(4) the outline communication strategy at Annex A be approved;


(5) the proposed criteria for Lewisham’s Carbon Offset Fund at Annex B be



(6) Mayor and Cabinet reviews progress on the Action Plan annually.



The report was introduced by Councillor McGeevor and received warm praise

from other Cabinet members. The Mayor thanked her for her hard work and

for the contributions made by the local community, all of which had made

Lewisham a leading borough in tackling climate change. At the same time the

Mayor expressed his disappointment at the limited action being undertaken by

central government.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie McGeevor, the

Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:




(1) the Lewisham Climate Emergency Strategic Action Plan be approved;


(2) the ambition for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2030 be affirmed;


(3) the ambitious nature of this target and the need for significant and

sustained action by central government if it is to be delivered be noted;


(4) the outline communication strategy at Annex A be approved;


(5) the proposed criteria for Lewisham’s Carbon Offset Fund at Annex B be



(6) Mayor and Cabinet reviews progress on the Action Plan annually.



Boroughwide Private Sector Housing Licensing pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:

the following recommendations be approved in respect to the proposed

Additional Licensing Scheme and the proposed Selective Licensing Scheme.


Additional Licensing Scheme

(1) the consultation undertaken on the proposed Additional Licensing

Scheme, the responses received, and the officer comments, as outlined be



(2) the proposed Additional Licensing Scheme Fee for HMOs fees that will be

presented to the Supplementary Licensing Committee for approval before the

scheme can commence, as outlined, be noted;


(3) the proposed new licensing conditions for properties in the Private Rental

Sector, as outlined, be noted;


(4) the designation of an additional licensing scheme for all Houses in Multiple

Occupation in the Council's area, as outlined, be approved; and


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Environment

and Regeneration to implement the new additional Licensing Scheme for

Houses in Multiple Occupation, and publish the 3-month Statutory Notice for

the scheme as part of the implementation;


Selective Licensing Scheme


(1) the consultation undertaken on the proposed Selective Licensing Scheme,

the responses received, and the officer comments, as outlined, be noted;


(2) the proposed Selective Licensing Scheme Fee that will be put to

Supplementary Licensing Committee for approval before the scheme can

commence, as part of the application to the Secretary of State for Housing,

Communities and Local Government, as outlined, be noted;


(3) the proposed new licensing conditions for properties in the Private Rental

Sector, as outlined, be approved;


(4) the submission of an application to the Secretary of State for Housing,

Communities and Local Government for a Selective Licensing Scheme to

apply to all privately rented single occupancy dwellings in the Borough of

Lewisham, as outlined, be approved;


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Environment

and Regeneration:-to finalise the application for a Selective Licensing scheme

and submit to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local

Government; and to implement the Selective Licensing Scheme and publish

the 3-month Statutory Notice for the scheme as part of the implementation,

pending necessary approvals from the Secretary of State for Housing,

Communities and Local Government.



In answer to a question from Councillor Dromey, the Private Sector Housing

Manager confirmed up to 12 apprentices could be hired if government

approval for the licensing scheme was secured.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet for the

reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:


RESOLVED that the following recommendations be approved in respect to

the proposed Additional Licensing Scheme and the proposed Selective

Licensing Scheme.


Additional Licensing Scheme

(1) the consultation undertaken on the proposed Additional Licensing

Scheme, the responses received, and the officer comments, as outlined be



(2) the proposed Additional Licensing Scheme Fee for HMOs fees that will be

presented to the Supplementary Licensing Committee for approval before the

scheme can commence, as outlined, be noted;


(3) the proposed new licensing conditions for properties in the Private Rental

Sector, as outlined, be noted;


(4) the designation of an additional licensing scheme for all Houses in Multiple

Occupation in the Council's area, as outlined, be approved; and


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Environment

and Regeneration to implement the new additional Licensing Scheme for

Houses in Multiple Occupation, and publish the 3-month Statutory Notice for

the scheme as part of the implementation;


Selective Licensing Scheme


(1) the consultation undertaken on the proposed Selective Licensing Scheme,

the responses received, and the officer comments, as outlined, be noted;


(2) the proposed Selective Licensing Scheme Fee that will be put to

Supplementary Licensing Committee for approval before the scheme can

commence, as part of the application to the Secretary of State for Housing,

Communities and Local Government, as outlined, be noted;


(3) the proposed new licensing conditions for properties in the Private Rental

Sector, as outlined, be approved;


(4) the submission of an application to the Secretary of State for Housing,

Communities and Local Government for a Selective Licensing Scheme to

apply to all privately rented single occupancy dwellings in the Borough of

Lewisham, as outlined, be approved;


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Environment

and Regeneration:-to finalise the application for a Selective Licensing scheme

and submit to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local

Government; and to implement the Selective Licensing Scheme and publish

the 3-month Statutory Notice for the scheme as part of the implementation,

pending necessary approvals from the Secretary of State for Housing,

Communities and Local Government.



Approach to Boroughwide Pot of Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, and the

Chair of the Safer, Stronger Communities Select Committee, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the progress on agreeing the ward based priorities for the NCIL

programme be noted;


(2) the process through which the borough-wide priorities have been

developed be noted; and


(3) In regard to the allocation of the Borough-wide NCIL funding:


£100,000 be allocated to the development of Council borough-wide Air Quality

initiatives that promote community involvement;


an open call for projects is run alongside the ward based process with the

following priorities:


initiatives that seek to support local community groups to contributing to

tackling crime and anti-social behaviour


provision of high-quality mentoring services and those designed to keep

Lewisham’s children and young people safe from exploitation, violence and

serious youth crime


support for people with learning disabilities and/or issues with mental health to

find employment opportunities in order to identify projects for which the

remainder of the fund may be allocated


such funding should support services that are borough-wide, as far as

possible, but also provide extra focus on the most deprived wards in the

borough as defined by the Indices of Multiple Deprivation.



The report was jointly presented by the Mayor and Councillor Jonathan Slater,

the Cabinet Member for the Community Sector.


Councillor Slater highlighted the use of Common Place which had secured a

very high consultation response. This was disputed by Councillors Juliet

Campbell and James Rathbone, the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Safer and

Stronger Communities Select Committee, who believed the Common Place

platform did not attract a representative community response and that a delay

to examine the methodology was required.


The Mayor thanked the Select Committee members for their input, but

observed that compared to previous Section 106 consultations, many more

people were involved. He said the consultation had been pioneering and as

such merited a review and could provide valuable lessons learned, but that a

delay did not seem appropriate.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, and the

Chair of the Safer, Stronger Communities Select Committee, the Mayor and

Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:




(1) the progress on agreeing the ward based priorities for the NCIL

programme be noted;


(2) the process through which the borough-wide priorities have been

developed be noted; and


(3) In regard to the allocation of the Borough-wide NCIL funding:


£100,000 be allocated to the development of Council borough-wide Air Quality

initiatives that promote community involvement;


an open call for projects is run alongside the ward based process with the

following priorities:


initiatives that seek to support local community groups to contributing to

tackling crime and anti-social behaviour


provision of high-quality mentoring services and those designed to keep

Lewisham’s children and young people safe from exploitation, violence and

serious youth crime


support for people with learning disabilities and/or issues with mental health to

find employment opportunities in order to identify projects for which the

remainder of the fund may be allocated


such funding should support services that are borough-wide, as far as

possible, but also provide extra focus on the most deprived wards in the

borough as defined by the Indices of Multiple Deprivation.



Lewisham Local Plan - Regulation 18 stage pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and presentations by the Chair of the

Sustainable Development Committee and the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet

agreed that:


(1) the following documents be approved for future statutory public

consultation (subject to 6 below):


•Draft Lewisham Local Plan - Regulation 18 stage “main issues and preferred

approaches” document (Appendix 1)


•Draft Interim Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Non-technical Summary

and Habitats Regulations Assessment (Appendix 2)


•Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) (Appendix 3)


(2) the contents of the Consultation Statement (Appendix 4), documenting the

main issues raised by the public in the initial Regulation 18 stage consultation

(2015 Issues and Options document) and officer responses to them be noted;


(3) the contents of the consultation strategy be noted; (Appendix 5)


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration

and Environment to:


i. Make minor amendments to the above documents prior to Council;


ii. Make further amendments to the Draft Local Plan (Appendix 1) to

incorporate headline summaries of: feedback received on public consultation

to-date; key findings from the evidence base; main planning issues and policy

alternatives considered. 


(5) the financial and legal implications set out be noted;


(6) Remit to Council for its consideration and approval the Interim Integrated

Impact Assessment (IIA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment;


(7) Council be recommended to:


i. Approve the documents specified in 1 above subject to any minor and

further amendments which might be made under 4 above.


ii.Use its powers to resolve to publically consult on those documents that

Council so approve, including the Interim Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA)

and Habitats Regulations Assessment subject to paragraph 6 above;


(8) the written comments of the Sustainable Development Committee be

received and a response for Mayoral consideration be prepared


The report was presented by the Mayor who asked that a response be

prepared in due course to the written comments of the Sustainable

Development Select Committee which were presented by the Chair,

Councillor Liam Curran.


Having considered an officer report, and presentations by the Chair of the

Sustainable Development Committee and the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet

for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:




(1) the following documents be approved for future statutory public

consultation (subject to 6 below):


•Draft Lewisham Local Plan - Regulation 18 stage “main issues and preferred

approaches” document (Appendix 1)


•Draft Interim Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Non-technical Summary

and Habitats Regulations Assessment (Appendix 2)


•Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) (Appendix 3)


(2) the contents of the Consultation Statement (Appendix 4), documenting the

main issues raised by the public in the initial Regulation 18 stage consultation

(2015 Issues and Options document) and officer responses to them be noted;


(3) the contents of the consultation strategy be noted; (Appendix 5)


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration

and Environment to:


i. Make minor amendments to the above documents prior to Council;


ii. Make further amendments to the Draft Local Plan (Appendix 1) to

incorporate headline summaries of: feedback received on public consultation

to-date; key findings from the evidence base; main planning issues and policy

alternatives considered. 


(5) the financial and legal implications set out be noted;


(6) Remit to Council for its consideration and approval the Interim Integrated

Impact Assessment (IIA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment;


(7) Council be recommended to:


i. Approve the documents specified in 1 above subject to any minor and

further amendments which might be made under 4 above.


ii.Use its powers to resolve to publically consult on those documents that

Council so approve, including the Interim Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA)

and Habitats Regulations Assessment subject to paragraph 6 above;


(8) the written comments of the Sustainable Development Committee be

received and a response for Mayoral consideration be prepared


Post Consultation recommendations on addition of new buildings to Local List pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and presentations by the Mayor and a

representative of the Church of England, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the feedback from the seven week period of public consultation for the

proposed new additions to the Local List be noted;


(2) the objections raised be noted;


(3) the legal and financial implications set out be noted; and 


(4) the additions to the Local List in Appendix 1 be adopted with the exception

of St Luke’s Church, Evelyn Street which should be the subject of a further




The Mayor received a presentation from representatives of the Church of

England’s Diocese of Southwark, Eric Williamson, Property Development

Surveyor and the Reverend Louise Codrington-Marshall. Mr Williamson stated

that council officers had accepted the consultation in respect of St Luke’s

Church, Evelyn Street, was flawed as notifications had been sent to a building

which closed ten years previously. He asked for a deferment in respect of St

Luke’s Church only.


The Director of Planning advised the Mayor that Local Listing would not

preclude development but that agreeing all the other proposals and deferring

St Luke’s was possible.


The Mayor accepted the request made by the Diocesan representatives and

asked officers to engage with them and come back later in the year with a

standalone report on St Luke’s.


Having considered an officer report, and presentations by the Mayor and a

representative of the Church of England, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the

reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:




(1) the feedback from the seven week period of public consultation for the

proposed new additions to the Local List be noted;


(2) the objections raised be noted;


(3) the legal and financial implications set out be noted; and 


(4) the additions to the Local List in Appendix 1 be adopted with the exception

of St Luke’s Church, Evelyn Street which should be the subject of a further



GLA Small Sites Small Builders Grant pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) a total of £1,477,500 grant funding be accepted from the GLA pursuant to

the Small Sites Small Builders Programme to carry out specified works on five

Council housing projects on Council land as set out in Section 4;


(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration

and Environment to agree the terms of and enter into individual grant

agreements with the GLA for each project; and


(3) should any project set out in Section 4 not proceed, authority be delegated

to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment to

agree a substitution project and to agree the terms of and enter into any

replacement grant agreement required. 



Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet for the

reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:




(1) a total of £1,477,500 grant funding be accepted from the GLA pursuant to

the Small Sites Small Builders Programme to carry out specified works on five

Council housing projects on Council land as set out in Section 4;


(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration

and Environment to agree the terms of and enter into individual grant

agreements with the GLA for each project; and


(3) should any project set out in Section 4 not proceed, authority be delegated

to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment to

agree a substitution project and to agree the terms of and enter into any

replacement grant agreement required. 



Call-in response Disposal of former Wide Horizons Sites in Wales & Kent pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered the original officer report, the OSBP call-in, a written

response to the call in, and presentations by Councillors Curran and Sorba

and the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet resolved to uphold their original

recommendations and authorised officers to investigate possible disposals to

the public sector.


The Mayor recognised his manifesto commitment to retain sites in the

Borough of Lewisham and listened carefully to the concerns articulated by two

representatives of the Overview and Scrutiny Business Panel. He concluded

that the rationale in the original report for advocating disposal was sound but

decided to expand the recommendation by asking officers to investigate

disposal to the public sector as a preferred option.


Having considered the original officer report, the OSBP call-in, a written

response to the call in, and presentations by Councillors Curran and Sorba

and the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet by a vote of 10-0:


RESOLVED that the original recommendations be upheld and officers be

authorised to investigate possible disposals to the public sector.


Making of Instrument Federation of Holy Cross and St Augustine's Primary Schools and Local Governor Nomination pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Instrument of Government

for the federation of Holy Cross and St Augustine's Catholic Primary Schools

(Aspire London) be made by Local Authority order dated 1 April 2020 as set

out in Appendix 1.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a

vote of 10-0:


RESOLVED that the Instrument of Government for the federation of Holy

Cross and St Augustine's Catholic Primary Schools (Aspire London) be made

by Local Authority order dated 1 April 2020 as set out in Appendix 1.


Local Authority Governor Nominations pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that Ms. Brooke Parkinson be

nominated as local authority governor for the Clyde Early Childhood Centre.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet, having considered the information supplied

in respect of the nomination by a vote of 10-0:


RESOLVED that Ms. Brooke Parkinson be nominated as local authority

governor for the Clyde Early Childhood Centre.


Response to Healthier Communities Select Committee Adult Safeguarding pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor,

Councillor Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Select Committee be

informed that their recommendation was accepted by the LSAB as this piece

of work had already been planned as part of the delivery of the Board’s

Communication and Engagement Strategy 2019-20.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor,

Councillor Best, the Mayor and Cabinet:


RESOLVED that the Select Committee be informed that their

recommendation was accepted by the LSAB as this piece of work had already

been planned as part of the delivery of the Board’s Communication and

Engagement Strategy 2019-20.


Response to Sustainable Development Select Committee on Pubs pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed to

approve the response and report it to the Select Committee.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet:


RESOLVED to approve the response and report it to the Select Committee.


Response to Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee Food Poverty pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed to

support the proposals to develop a new food poverty action plans overseen by

Lewisham’s Food Partnership, as part of the Sustainable Food Cities

approach to healthier and sustainable food and the governance




The Director of Public Health, Dr Catherine Mbema, advised members that

there could be slippage in the timescales for the development of the Food

Poverty Action Plan owing to the escalating impact of Coronavirus.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

member for the Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor and



RESOLVED that the proposals to develop a new food poverty action plans

overseen by Lewisham’s Food Partnership be supported as part of the

Sustainable Food Cities approach to healthier and sustainable food and the

governance arrangements.



Corporate Energy Contract Strategy pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie McGeevor, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the overall approach to reviewing the Council’s procurement of corporate

energy contracts be approved; and


(2) the proposal to purchase REGO certificates to match the supply received

through our electricity contracts for corporate sites, schools and streetlighting

to renewable generation be approved.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie McGeevor, the

Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:




(1) the overall approach to reviewing the Council’s procurement of corporate

energy contracts be approved; and


(2) the proposal to purchase REGO certificates to match the supply received

through our electricity contracts for corporate sites, schools and streetlighting

to renewable generation be approved.


Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 26 KB




RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local

Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to

Information)(England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4)

of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded

from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds

that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined

in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public

interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in

disclosing the information.


19        Broadway Theatre Works

20        Old Town hall works

21        Precision Manufactured Housing Procurement Process

22        Future Home Care Arrangements

23        Appropriation of the Former Mayow Road Warehouse

24        Renewal of Oracle Licensing Arrangements



Broadway Theatre Works



Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Culture, Jobs and Skills, Councillor Andre Bourne, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) officers be authorised to undertake an open procurement exercise to find a

suitable Principal Contractor for the proposed works to the Broadway Theatre,

using the process set out; and


(2) officers be authorised to undertake feasibility on bringing forward

proposals in addition to the initial proposed package of works to further

improve access arrangements to the building.



Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Culture, Jobs and Skills, Councillor Andre Bourne, the

Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:




(1) officers be authorised to undertake an open procurement exercise to find a

suitable Principal Contractor for the proposed works to the Broadway Theatre,

using the process set out; and


(2) officers be authorised to undertake feasibility on bringing forward

proposals in addition to the initial proposed package of works to further

improve access arrangements to the building.



Old Town Hall Works


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the work programme be endorsed as part of its early commitment to the

aims of the Catford Masterplan;


(2) officers be authorised to undertake a procurement exercise to find a

suitable contractor for the works, using the process set out;


(3) a waiver of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules be approved and a

contract be awarded to ig9 to be appointed as the Employer’s Agent and

Design Team to provide technical assistance and fulfil CDM regulations with

the delivery of this project, RIBA stages 4-7 (tender preparation through to

project completion) at a total stated cost



Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by a vote

of 10-0:




(1) the work programme be endorsed as part of its early commitment to the

aims of the Catford Masterplan;


(2) officers be authorised to undertake a procurement exercise to find a

suitable contractor for the works, using the process set out;


(3) a waiver of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules be approved and a

contract be awarded to ig9 to be appointed as the Employer’s Agent and

Design Team to provide technical assistance and fulfil CDM regulations with

the delivery of this project, RIBA stages 4-7 (tender preparation through to

project completion) at a total stated cost



Precision Manufactured Housing Procurement Process


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet

agreed that:


(1) the procurement strategy adopted by Lewisham Homes, the tender

analysis they have undertaken to date and the further steps to be completed

be noted;


(2) the allocation of funding which will be used by Lewisham Homes to

appoint a contractor under two separate contracts to deliver construction

works for 65 new homes at the schemes known as Home Park and Edward

Street as part of the Building for Lewisham programme, for up to a stated

figure made up of the contract sum of up to a lesser stated figure and a 5%

stated contingency.


(3) an increased General Fund capital programme budget for Edward Street,

from the current approved budget to a revised stated budget be approved;


(4) the Executive Director of Housing Regeneration and Environment, in

consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer and Director of Law will continue

to examine mitigation options to improve the financial position of the Home

Park and Edward Street schemes.


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration

and Environment to approve any mitigation measures for the two schemes,

the extent to which those are implemented and to approve the final contract

sum prior to Lewisham Homes entering into contracts; and


(6) the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment, in

consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer and Director of Law will continue

to examine mitigation options to improve the financial position of the Mayfield

scheme and will bring a report back to Mayor and Cabinet to agree a strategy

for the delivery of new housing on this site and a stated budget of be allocated

in order to appoint a contractor and the relevant professional team to explore

these mitigation options and develop a strategy for delivery.



Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet for

the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:





(1) the procurement strategy adopted by Lewisham Homes, the tender

analysis they have undertaken to date and the further steps to be completed

be noted;


(2) the allocation of funding which will be used by Lewisham Homes to

appoint a contractor under two separate contracts to deliver construction

works for 65 new homes at the schemes known as Home Park and Edward

Street as part of the Building for Lewisham programme, for up to a stated

figure made up of the contract sum of up to a lesser stated figure and a 5%

stated contingency.


(3) an increased General Fund capital programme budget for Edward Street,

from the current approved budget to a revised stated budget be approved;


(4) the Executive Director of Housing Regeneration and Environment, in

consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer and Director of Law will continue

to examine mitigation options to improve the financial position of the Home

Park and Edward Street schemes.


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration

and Environment to approve any mitigation measures for the two schemes,

the extent to which those are implemented and to approve the final contract

sum prior to Lewisham Homes entering into contracts; and


(6) the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment, in

consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer and Director of Law will continue

to examine mitigation options to improve the financial position of the Mayfield

scheme and will bring a report back to Mayor and Cabinet to agree a strategy

for the delivery of new housing on this site and a stated budget of be allocated

in order to appoint a contractor and the relevant professional team to explore

these mitigation options and develop a strategy for delivery.



Future Home Care Arrangements


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the procurement of Neighbourhood Lead Providers (Home Care) be

approved subject to a further report being brought back to Mayor and Cabinet

in July 2020 which will detail the new model for Home Care and set out the full

procurement process for approval.


(2) the start of public and market engagement on the development of a new

model of Home Care in Lewisham be approved; and


(3) the increase in forecast spend on home care for the period 2021 – 2026

and the impact this will have on the Council’s budget strategy be noted.


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Best, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:




(1) the procurement of Neighbourhood Lead Providers (Home Care) be

approved subject to a further report being brought back to Mayor and Cabinet

in July 2020 which will detail the new model for Home Care and set out the full

procurement process for approval.


(2) the start of public and market engagement on the development of a new

model of Home Care in Lewisham be approved; and


(3) the increase in forecast spend on home care for the period 2021 – 2026

and the impact this will have on the Council’s budget strategy be noted.


Appropriation of the Former Mayow Road Warehouse


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet

agreed that pursuant to Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972, the

appropriation of the former Mayor Road Warehouse shown edged with a

dotted red line in Appendix 2 be approved from the Housing Revenue Account

to the General Fund, excluding the area edged in a solid red line which will

remain in the Housing Revenue Account. The appropriation will be at a stated value which is the appropriate proportion of the Existing Use Value of

the land, and excludes the value for the part of the land required for the 6

Supported Living homes.



Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet for

the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:


RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972,

the appropriation of the former Mayor Road Warehouse shown edged with a

dotted red line in Appendix 2 be approved from the Housing Revenue Account

to the General Fund, excluding the area edged in a solid red line which will

remain in the Housing Revenue Account. The appropriation will be at a stated

value which is the appropriate proportion of the Existing Use Value of

the land, and excludes the value for the part of the land required for the 6

Supported Living homes.



Renewal of Oracle Licensing Arrangements


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees and Accountability Councillor

Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the award of the Oracle Fusion Subscription licence to Oracle as a direct

award which would be a 3 year licence for a total value not exceeding a stated

figure be approved with the licence starting on 1st June 2020 and expiring on

31st May 2023; and


(2) delegated authority be given to the Acting Chief Finance Officer to approve

the final licence renewal price for a period of three years up to a maximum

stated value.


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees and Accountability Councillor

Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by

a vote of 10-0:




(1) the award of the Oracle Fusion Subscription licence to Oracle as a direct

award which would be a 3 year licence for a total value not exceeding a stated

figure be approved with the licence starting on 1st June 2020 and expiring on

31st May 2023; and


(2) delegated authority be given to the Acting Chief Finance Officer to approve

the final licence renewal price for a period of three years up to a maximum

stated value.


The meeting closed at 8.59pm.