Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327 

No. Item


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 209 KB


Councillor Bell declared a prejudicial interest in Item 20 and withdrew from the

meeting during consideration of this item.


Councillor Bell declared a prejudicial interest in Item 20 and withdrew from the

meeting during consideration of this item.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:




RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on July 10 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Outstanding Scrutiny Matters pdf icon PDF 117 KB




RESOLVED that the report be noted.


Achilles Street Landlord Offer for an Estate Regeneration Ballot part 1 pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the Equality Analysis Assessment attached as Appendix B be received;


(2) the text of the Achilles Landlord Offer attached as Appendix A, should form

the Council’s offer to residents on the Achilles Street Estate;


(3) a resident ballot for estate regeneration should be held on the Achilles

Street Estate as set out in section 6;


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Housing, Regeneration

& Environment to agree any minor amendments and the graphic design of the

Landlord Offer and to set the date of the resident ballot for estate regeneration

on the Achilles Street Estate;


(5) subject to the resident ballot for estate regeneration resulting in a “yes”

vote agrees the budgets requirements set out in the confidential report be



The Cabinet accepted this report as a late and urgent item having been told

the report was late owing to the need to finalise the proposed Landlord Offer

and to ensure that Mayor & Cabinet were provided with the most up to date

information possible. The report was deemed urgent and could not wait until

the next meeting of the Mayor & Cabinet meeting as this would cause

significant delay to the publishing of the Landlord Offer which in turn would

delay the holding of a resident ballot for estate regeneration.


The application was presented by Councillor Paul Bell who gave a

comprehensive explanation of the offer to tenants and leaseholders which

would be the subject of a ballot. He was supported by Housing Officers who

explained the detailed engagement process which had been undertaken with



The Cabinet was then addressed by local resident Martin Williams who

claimed the proposals would do little to add to the net housing stock. He

disputed claims made about rental levels and affordability saying the officer

report showed aspirations but lacked detail. He believed residents were not

able to make an informed choice.


Councillor Bell disputed any claim that the proposals were intended to benefit

the private sector, explaining a private element was required to make the

proposals economically viable and provide much needed social and council



The Mayor concluded by pointing out the provision of additional social and

council housing had been a key election pledge in a borough where 10,000

were on the housing waiting list. In terms of safeguards for residents, he

pointed out there would be a ballot and then a full planning process. He

warmly welcomed the proposals.


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the

Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 9-0:




(1) the Equality Analysis Assessment attached as Appendix B be received;


(2) the text of the Achilles Landlord Offer attached as Appendix A, should form

the Council’s offer to residents on the Achilles Street Estate;


(3) a resident ballot for estate regeneration should be held on the Achilles

Street Estate as set out in section 6;


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Housing, Regeneration

& Environment to agree any minor amendments and the graphic design of the

Landlord Offer and to set the date of the resident ballot for estate regeneration

on the Achilles Street Estate;


(5) subject to the resident ballot for estate regeneration resulting in a “yes”

vote agrees the budgets requirements set out in the confidential report be



Article 4 Direction for Lewisham's southern wards of Bellingham, Downham, Whitefoot and Grove Park to withdraw permitted development rights pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the responses to the consultation be noted;


(2) the Director of Law be authorised to approve the confirmation of the non-

immediate Article 4 Direction, which removes permitted development rights

from C3 Dwelling houses to C4 Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) for 3 to

6 unrelated people in Lewisham southern wards of Bellingham, Downham,

Whitefoot and Grove Park; and


(3) the legal and financial implications as set out be noted.


The Mayor confirmed the response to the consultation from residents had

been very positive and he welcomed the powers that would become available

in March 2020 to curb rogue landlords. Councillor Slater, who represented

one of the four affected wards, welcomed the initiative which he believed

would drive up housing quality for everyone.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 9-0:




(1) the responses to the consultation be noted;


(2) the Director of Law be authorised to approve the confirmation of the non-

immediate Article 4 Direction, which removes permitted development rights

from C3 Dwelling houses to C4 Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) for 3 to

6 unrelated people in Lewisham southern wards of Bellingham, Downham,

Whitefoot and Grove Park; and


(3) the legal and financial implications as set out be noted.


Anti Idling Enforcement Traffic Management Order pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the jobshare

Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, Councillor Joani Reid , the Mayor

and Cabinet agreed that


(1) a Traffic Management Order be made applicable to roads in the borough

to allow for Penalty Charge Notices to be issued in contravention of the order

under the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as

amended by section 87 of the Environment Act 1995), throughout the



(2) the Head of Parking Operations, be authorised, acting in his name and on

his behalf, to authorise traffic marshals to exercise the powers; and


(3) officers should, where appropriate, utilise the powers to allow for Penalty

Charge Notices to be issued in contravention of the order under the  

provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended by section 87

of the Environment Act 1995).


In introducing the policy, Councillor Reid stated it would be particularly

important to discourage idling near schools and officers would be empowered

to issue penalty charge notices.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the jobshare

Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, Councillor Joani Reid , the Mayor

and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 9-0:




(1) a Traffic Management Order be made applicable to roads in the borough

to allow for Penalty Charge Notices to be issued in contravention of the order

under the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as

amended by section 87 of the Environment Act 1995), throughout the



(2) the Head of Parking Operations, be authorised, acting in his name and on

his behalf, to authorise traffic marshals to exercise the powers; and


(3) officers should, where appropriate, utilise the powers to allow for Penalty

Charge Notices to be issued in contravention of the order under the 

provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended by section 87

of the Environment Act 1995).


CRPL Appointment of Non-Exec Director pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the appointment of Cllr Eva Stamirowski as Non-Executive Member

Director of the Catford Regeneration Partnership Limited (CRPL) be

approved; and


(2) Cllr Eva Stamirowski be indemnified as Director in accordance with the

attached Deed of Indemnity as with the two current Directors of the Company.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet , for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 9-0:




(1) the appointment of Cllr Eva Stamirowski as Non-Executive Member

Director of the Catford Regeneration Partnership Limited (CRPL) be

approved; and


(2) Cllr Eva Stamirowski be indemnified as Director in accordance with the

attached Deed of Indemnity as with the two current Directors of the Company.


Additions to Lewisham's Local List pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the proposed new additions to the Local List as laid out be noted;


(2) a six week period of public consultation for the proposed new additions to

the Local List be approved; and


(3) the legal and financial implications as set out be noted.



The Mayor received confirmation from Conservation Officers that there were

69 additions to the list and none of the nominations were from existing

conservation areas. It was pointed out this was the first stage of the review

and there would be wider consultation later.


Councillor Best praised the review and asked if postcodes could be indicated

for all sites.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 9-0:




(1) the proposed new additions to the Local List as laid out be noted;


(2) a six week period of public consultation for the proposed new additions to

the Local List be approved; and


(3) the legal and financial implications as set out be noted.



Alteration of SEN provision at Deptford Green School pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the results of the consultation conducted on the proposal to

alter the SEN provision at Deptford Green School be noted;


(2) the designation of the SEN provision at Deptford Green School be altered

from Dyslexia to ASD from Autumn 2019 so as to enable new entrants with a primary diagnosis of ASD from September 2020.


The report was presented by Councillor Barnham who laid out the rationale

for the suggested change. The proposals were welcomed by Councillor

Dacres who believed mainstream support could be most effective for children

in the autism spectrum.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by

a vote of 9-0:




(1) the results of the consultation conducted on the proposal to alter the SEN

provision at Deptford Green School be noted;


(2) the designation of the SEN provision at Deptford Green School be altered

from Dyslexia to ASD from Autumn 2019 so as to enable new entrants with a

primary diagnosis of ASD from September 2020.


Response to OSC questions to the Mayor pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the response from officers be approved for

submission to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet:


RESOLVED that the response from officers be approved for submission to the

Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Response to CYP Select Referral on EH savings proposals pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the response from officers be

approved for submission to the Children & Young People Select Committee.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet:


RESOLVED that the response from officers be approved for submission to the

Children & Young People Select Committee.


Response to Public Accounts Select Committee Income Generation pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance and Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor

and Cabinet agreed that the response from officers be approved for

submission to the Public Accounts Select Committee.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance and Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor

and Cabinet:


RESOLVED that the response from officers be approved for submission to the

Public Accounts Select Committee.


Response to Healthier Communities Select Committee BAME Mental Health pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor,

Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the response from

officers be approved for submission to the Healthier Communities Select



Councillor Best pointed out the work being carried out by the Health and Well

Being board which was focusing on health inequalities.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor,

Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet:


RESOLVED that the response from officers be approved for submission to the Healthier Communities Select Committee.


Downham Enterprise Centre part 1 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the disposal of Downham Business Enterprise Centre, 157-159,

Boundfield Road, London SE6 to Phoenix Community Housing on the terms

set out be approved; and


(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Corporate Services, in

consultation with the Director of Law, to finalise the terms of the legal

documentation for the disposal to Phoenix Community Housing.


(3) the disposal of the site to Phoenix Community Housing for the sum stated

in the confidential report be approved.



Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the

Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 9-0:




(1) the disposal of Downham Business Enterprise Centre, 157-159,

Boundfield Road, London SE6 to Phoenix Community Housing on the terms

set out be approved; and


(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Corporate Services, in

consultation with the Director of Law, to finalise the terms of the legal

documentation for the disposal to Phoenix Community Housing.


(3) the disposal of the site to Phoenix Community Housing for the sum stated

in the confidential report be approved.


Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 27 KB




RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local

Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to

Information)(England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4) of the

Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the

meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve

the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3, of Part 1

of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the

exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information


16.       Downham Enterprise Centre part 2

17.       Achilles Street Landlord Offer for an Estate Regeneration Ballot part 2

18.       VAWG Permission to Tender

19.       Management Development Programme

20.       Permission to tender Youth Services

21.       Mental Health Accommodation Based Support Service

22.       Award of Contract Tier 4 Substance Misuse

23.       Learning Disability Framework Extension

24.       Annual Renewal of Microsoft Enterprise License


Downham Enterprise Centre part 2


Considered in conjunction with the Part 1 item


This report was considered in conjunction with the Part 1 item on the same



Achilles Street Landlord Offer for an Estate Regeneration Ballot part 2


Considered in conjunction with the Part 1 item.


This report was considered in conjunction with the Part 1 item on the same



VAWG Permission to Tender


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, Councillor Joani Reid, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that


(1) a VAWG service be tendered for Lewisham residents covering community

and emergency accommodation services;


(2) the service will provide advocacy and advice for victims of VAWG in

Lewisham, supporting victims to improve their safety, reduce their vulnerability

to abuse and support in accessing statutory and voluntary services to improve

health and wellbeing; and


(3) the service will be for a duration of 3 years from April 2020, with the option

to extend for 2 years, at a maximum stated annual value and maximum total

(including extension) stated value.



Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, Councillor Joani Reid, the Mayor and

Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 9-0:




(1) a VAWG service be tendered for Lewisham residents covering community

and emergency accommodation services;


(2) the service will provide advocacy and advice for victims of VAWG in

Lewisham, supporting victims to improve their safety, reduce their vulnerability

to abuse and support in accessing statutory and voluntary services to improve

health and wellbeing; and


(3) the service will be for a duration of 3 years from April 2020, with the option

to extend for 2 years, at a maximum stated annual value and maximum total

(including extension) stated value.



Management Development Programme


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) a contract be awarded to Hawk Management (UK) Ltd from 0I November

2019 until 30 October 2023 for the provision of Management   Development

Programmes in relation to Apprenticeships for Team Leader level 3 and

Operational Departmental Manager level 5 with an option to extend the

contract for a fourth year; and


(2) the cost for the initial three-year contract would be a stated value with the

addition of the possible fourth year, giving a total maximum contract stated



Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the

Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 9-0:




(1) a contract be awarded to Hawk Management (UK) Ltd from 0I November

2019 until 30 October 2023 for the provision of Management   Development

Programmes in relation to Apprenticeships for Team Leader level 3 and

Operational Departmental Manager level 5 with an option to extend the

contract for a fourth year; and


(2) the cost for the initial three-year contract would be a stated value with the

addition of the possible fourth year, giving a total maximum contract stated



Permission to tender Youth Services


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor

Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that


(1) the importance of maintaining and where possible strengthening a youth

services offer which is outcomes focused, demonstrating positive impact for

Lewisham young people be confirmed;


(2) while providing a core universal and high quality open door offer of places

to go and things to do, this should be an enhanced offer providing a

responsive and creative use of space across the borough improving young

people’s access; and be able to respond and intervene to the needs of young

people, including the ability to case hold, outreach and mentoring;


(3) a tender be made for Youth Services for young people in Lewisham; and


(4) the contract be tendered for a duration of 4 years from 1st April 2020, with

an option to extend for 2 years, at a stated the annual maximum value and

stated maximum total value excluding extension, and maximum stated total

value including extension.


Councillor Bell vacated the room during consideration of this item.


From the options available, Councillor Barnham said while he believed the

Council should be the preferred provider that was not achievable at this time

and he wished to recommend a course of action which would give the best

outcomes for young people.


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor

Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 8-0:




(1) the importance of maintaining and where possible strengthening a youth

services offer which is outcomes focused, demonstrating positive impact for

Lewisham young people be confirmed;


(2) while providing a core universal and high quality open door offer of places

to go and things to do, this should be an enhanced offer providing a

responsive and creative use of space across the borough improving young

people’s access; and be able to respond and intervene to the needs of young

people, including the ability to case hold, outreach and mentoring;


(3) a tender be made for Youth Services for young people in Lewisham; and


(4) the contract be tendered for a duration of 4 years from 1st April 2020, with

an option to extend for 2 years, at a stated the annual maximum value and

stated maximum total value excluding extension, and maximum stated total

value including extension.


Mental Health Accommodation Based Support Service


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the

contract with Equinox Care be extended for a period of one year from 1 April

2020 to 31 March 2021 at a stated cost to support people with mental health



Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons

set out in the report and by a vote of 9-0:


RESOLVED that the contract with Equinox Care be extended for a period of

one year from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 at a stated cost to support

people with mental health problems.


Award of Contract Tier 4 Substance Misuse


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:

(1) the organisations listed below be appointed onto the framework for the

provision of residential rehabilitation, quasi rehabilitation, day programme and

detoxification services for a period of 4 years under the following category

headings or ‘Lots’:


Lot 1: Structured Day Programmes (2 organisations)

Freedom Recovery Centre



Lot 2: Residential Rehabilitation Programme (11 organisations)

Acorn Recovery

Bosance Farm



Phoenix Futures


The Nelson Trust

Somewhere House

Streetscene Addiction Recovery


Salvation Army


Western Counselling

Lot 3: Quasi Rehabilitation Programme (2 organisations)

Acorn Recovery 


Freedom Recovery Centre


Lot 4: Specialist Interventions (7 organisations)

Bosance Farm

Burton Addiction Services


East Coast Recovery



Phoenix Futures

Western Counselling

(2) the approval to purchase residential rehabilitation, quasi rehabilitation day

programme and detoxification services from organisations not appointed on to

the framework agreement in exceptional cases, be delegated to the Executive

Director for Community Services.



Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 9-0:




(1) the organisations listed below be appointed onto the framework for the

provision of residential rehabilitation, quasi rehabilitation, day programme and

detoxification services for a period of 4 years under the following category

headings or ‘Lots’:


Lot 1: Structured Day Programmes (2 organisations)

Freedom Recovery Centre



Lot 2: Residential Rehabilitation Programme (11 organisations)

Acorn Recovery

Bosance Farm



Phoenix Futures


The Nelson Trust

Somewhere House

Streetscene Addiction Recovery


Salvation Army


Western Counselling

Lot 3: Quasi Rehabilitation Programme (2 organisations)

Acorn Recovery 


Freedom Recovery Centre


Lot 4: Specialist Interventions (7 organisations)

Bosance Farm

Burton Addiction Services


East Coast Recovery



Phoenix Futures

Western Counselling

(2) the approval to purchase residential rehabilitation, quasi rehabilitation day

programme and detoxification services from organisations not appointed on to

the framework agreement in exceptional cases, be delegated to the Executive

Director for Community Services.



Learning Disability Framework Extension


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) a nine month extension of the contracts between the Council and the

following organisations be approved as detailed below:



Name of Service

Category of service

Extension to:

Royal Mencap

Avon Road

Supported Living


Lewisham Nexus Service

191c Burnt Ash Hill

Supported Living


Three C's Support

133 Mayow Road

Supported Living


Three C's Support

25 Canadian Avenue

Supported Living


Three C's Support

53 Bargery Road

Supported Living


Three C's Support

59 Culverley Road

Supported Living



Haddington Road

Supported Living



Aurora Options

94 Burnt Ash Hill

Residential Care




Elwis House

Residential Care


Aurora Options

George Lane

Residential Care


Three C's Support

1 & 10 Friendly Street

Supported Living


Three C's Support

112 Breakspears Road

Supported Living


Aurora Options

Jutland Road

Supported Living


Aurora Options

Kitto Road

Supported Living



(2) the total stated expenditure be approved.


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons

set out in the report and by a vote of 9-0:




(1) a nine month extension of the contracts between the Council and the

following organisations be approved as detailed below:



Name of Service

Category of service

Extension to:

Royal Mencap

Avon Road

Supported Living


Lewisham Nexus Service

191c Burnt Ash Hill

Supported Living


Three C's Support

133 Mayow Road

Supported Living


Three C's Support

25 Canadian Avenue

Supported Living


Three C's Support

53 Bargery Road

Supported Living


Three C's Support

59 Culverley Road

Supported Living



Haddington Road

Supported Living



Aurora Options

94 Burnt Ash Hill

Residential Care




Elwis House

Residential Care


Aurora Options

George Lane

Residential Care


Three C's Support

1 & 10 Friendly Street

Supported Living


Three C's Support

112 Breakspears Road

Supported Living


Aurora Options

Jutland Road

Supported Living


Aurora Options

Kitto Road

Supported Living



(2) the total stated expenditure be approved.


Annual Renewal of Microsoft Enterprise License


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees & Accountability, Councillor Kevin

Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that authority be delegated to the

Executive Director for Corporate Services to approve the final contract

renewal price resulting from the procurement by the Shared ICT Service up to

a maximum stated value for a period of one year.


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees & Accountability, Councillor Kevin

Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report and by a

vote of 9-0:


RESOLVED that authority be delegated to the Executive Director for

Corporate Services to approve the final contract renewal price resulting from

the procurement by the Shared ICT Service up to a maximum stated value for

a period of one year.


The meeting closed at 7.31pm.