Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327 


No. Item


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 208 KB




None were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:




RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on September 18 2019 be

confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies pdf icon PDF 26 KB




No matters were raised.


Outstanding Scrutiny Matters pdf icon PDF 115 KB




RESOLVED that the report be noted.


Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee referral on budget cuts pdf icon PDF 110 KB


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the views of the Select Committee be

received and response be prepared by the Executive Director for Housing,

Regeneration and Environment for consideration by Mayor & Cabinet.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet:


RESOLVED that the views of the Select Committee be received and response

be prepared by the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and

Environment for consideration by Mayor & Cabinet.


Lewisham's Brexit Preparations pdf icon PDF 201 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Democracy, Refugees and Accountability, Councillor Kevin

Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the report be received.


The report was presented by Councillor Kevin Bonavia who stressed that

Brexit was an area of critical concern in Lewisham given the 23,000 EU

citizens who lived here. He reminded the Cabinet that Lewisham had voted

strongly to Remain and that the agreed policy of the Council was to call for a

second Referendum. He summarised the report which had highlighted areas

of potential impact and outlined the massive uncertainty that still surrounded

any potential Brexit. He confirmed all Council services had risk assessment

plans in place and that Brexit would be again fully considered at the Overview

and Scrutiny Business Panel the following Tuesday.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Democracy, Refugees and Accountability, Councillor Kevin

Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet, from the options available:


RESOLVED that the report be received.


Recommissioning of Building Based Day Services for Older Adults pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:




This item was deferred to a date to be agreed.


Surrey Canal Triangle Regeneration - Update on Conditional Land Sale Agreement and Compulsory Purchase order Indemnity Agreement between LBL and Renewal. pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the Conditional Land Sale Agreement entered into on 20 December 2013

between the Council and Renewal Group Limited be terminated conditional

upon the adoption of the Surrey Canal Triangle Design Framework

Supplementary Planning Document and such other terms as the Executive

Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment shall consider

appropriate, and a new agreement entered into for the disposal to Renewal

Group Limited of the Council's freehold interest in the land shown coloured

orange on the plan attached at Appendix 2;


(2) the Compulsory Purchase Indemnity Agreement entered into on 20

December 2013 between the Council and Renewal Group Limited should be

terminated and replaced or (if the Executive Director for Housing,

Regeneration and Environment shall consider it appropriate, varied) so as to

exclude the prospective compulsory acquisition of the leasehold interests of

Millwall Football Club and Millwall Community Scheme.


(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration

and Environment to agree the terms of the new Conditional Land Sale

Agreement referred to above, and to take all necessary steps to terminate the

existing Conditional Land Sale Agreement and enter into such new

Conditional Land Sale Agreement and any associated legal documentation;


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration

and Environment to agree the terms of a varied (or new) Compulsory

Purchase Order Indemnity Agreement referred to above with Renewal Group

Limited, such varied or new Compulsory Purchase Indemnity Agreement to

exclude all land owned by the Council and leased to Millwall Football Club

and Millwall Community Scheme, and to enter into such varied or new

Compulsory Purchase Order Indemnity Agreement; and


(5) confirmation be given to Renewal Group Limited, Millwall Football Club

and Millwall Community Scheme that the Council wishes to achieve the

comprehensive regeneration of the Site and the regeneration objectives of the

Core Strategy and other policy documents and in the event that any of the

parties are unable to secure the necessary third party land interests/rights to

achieve that, then the Council will consider supporting the acquisition of the

necessary land and rights through use of its compulsory purchase powers.


The Mayor introduced the report, warmly welcoming the massive progress

which had been made and congratulating both Renewal and Millwall FC on

agreeing a way forward. He pointed out there was a huge difference to the

original plans and he was particularly pleased that more genuinely affordable

housing was being planned. He recounted the warm relationship the Borough

had held with Millwall and stated his belief that their plans could assist in the

regeneration of their area of the borough and would be a huge boost for

generations to come.


Local Ward Councillor Paul Maslin addressed the meeting asking about the

inter dependence of a Masterplan drawn up by two developers and querying

what guarantees were there that the Football Club could deliver its

development. He asked to be told what timelines had the club committed to

and what were the implications of the Club not delivering within a specified



Mr Viv Evans, the Head of Programmes: Complex Projects responded by

saying the Renewal plan would proceed first but that it was impossible for

hard and fast timelines to be set. He estimated Renewal’s hybrid application

could appear in late 2019 or early 2020 and that the club’s proposals were

likely to come forward in mid 2020. He confirmed that a Masterplan was at an

advanced draft stage and could be seen at Mayor & Cabinet as early as

October 30.


Cabinet Member Joe Dromey reminded the meeting that he was also a local

Councillor and that he had opposed and voted against the original CPO

proposals. He now extended a huge welcome to the revised plans and

partnership working and he looked forward to rebuilding relations with Millwall.

 He believed the potential existed to secure massive benefits for the local

community and he made a plea for engagement to take place with the

residents of the Winslade Estate.


Councillor Chris Barnham echoed Councillor Dromey’s support and he

expressed his admiration for former and current Cabinet Members who had

suffered unfair public critism and personal abuse despite being vindicated in

by an Independent report.


Councillor Bell offered his thanks to the Mayor for bringing the joint proposals

forward and he paid tribute to former Cabinet Member Councillor Joan

Millbank who had endured vile levels of personal abuse.


Councillor Chris Best joined those in welcoming the report and she highlighted

the various sporting and recreational opportunities which would be possible

when the plans were approve.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 9-0:




(1) the Conditional Land Sale Agreement entered into on 20 December 2013

between the Council and Renewal Group Limited be terminated conditional

upon the adoption of the Surrey Canal Triangle Design Framework

Supplementary Planning Document and such other terms as the Executive

Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment shall consider

appropriate, and a new agreement entered into for the disposal to Renewal

Group Limited  ...  view the full minutes text for item 148.


Green Scene The Future Management and Maintenance of Parks and Open Spaces pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the job-

share Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie

McGeevor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) intention in principle be given to insource all aspects of Lewisham’s

parks and open space services on 1 November 2021, subject to further

detailed consideration.


(2) officers undertake a more detailed evaluation of the option to

establish a wider divisional LATCo. the outcome of which will be to be

reviewed following the insourcing of the parks service.


(3) the current contract be extended on the existing terms and

conditions with Glendale Grounds Management for 20 months from

29th February 2020 until 31st October 2021 at a maximum cost to the

Council of £4,347,000.



The report was presented by Councillor McGeevor who praised the work done

by Glendales in ensuring Lewisham had some of the best public parks in

London. She added that the Council supported the Mayor’s election manifesto

commitment to insource services wherever possible.


The Mayor confirmed the manifesto commitment and stressed that in any

transition his aim would be to maintain existing standards transferring in

existing staff as appropriate.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the job-

share Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie

McGeevor, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a

vote of 9-0




(1) intention in principle be given to insource all aspects of Lewisham’s

parks and open space services on 1 November 2021, subject to further

detailed consideration.


(2) officers undertake a more detailed evaluation of the option to

establish a wider divisional LATCo. the outcome of which will be to be

reviewed following the insourcing of the parks service.


(3) the current contract be extended on the existing terms and

conditions with Glendale Grounds Management for 20 months from

29th February 2020 until 31st October 2021 at a maximum cost to the

Council of £4,347,000.


2020-21 LIP annual spending submission pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the job-share

Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie McGeevor,

the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the LIP Annual Spending Submission

2020/21 to TfL as set out be approved.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the job-share

Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie McGeevor,

the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 9-0


RESOLVED that the LIP Annual Spending Submission 2020/21 to TfL as set

out be approved.


Financial Forecasts 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance and Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor

and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2020 and the

action being taken by the Executive Directors to manage down the forecasted

year-end overspend be noted; and


(2) the current position on the Oracle Cloud implementation as set out be



Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance and Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor

and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 9-0




(1) the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2020 and the

action being taken by the Executive Directors to manage down the forecasted

year-end overspend be noted; and


(2) the current position on the Oracle Cloud implementation as set out be



Response to Sustainable Development Select Committee on Catford Regeneration Programme pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the response be approved and that it be

submitted to the Sustainable Development Select Committee.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the

Mayor and Cabinet:


RESOLVED that the response be approved and that it be submitted to the

Sustainable Development Select Committee.


Response to CYP Select Committee on Exclusions Review pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the reduction in the number of permanent exclusions in Lewisham and the

continuing work with schools and other partners to reduce this further be

noted; and


(2) the response to the recommendations of the Children and Young People

Select Committee Review of Exclusions be approved reflecting the high

priority given to this issue by the Mayor and Cabinet.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet:




(1) the reduction in the number of permanent exclusions in Lewisham and the

continuing work with schools and other partners to reduce this further be

noted; and


(2) the response to the recommendations of the Children and Young People

Select Committee Review of Exclusions be approved reflecting the high

priority given to this issue by the Mayor and Cabinet.


Response to Sustainable Development Select Committee on Pubs pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the jobshare

Cabinet Member for Culture, Jobs and Skills, Councillor Andre Bourne, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the response be approved and that it be

submitted to the Sustainable Development Select Committee.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the jobshare

Cabinet Member for Culture, Jobs and Skills, Councillor Andre Bourne, the

Mayor and Cabinet


RESOLVED that the response be approved and that it be submitted to the

Sustainable Development Select Committee.


Response to OSBP on equalities issues pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that


(1) the officer comments as set out be endorsed;


(2) the report considered by the Safer, Stronger Communities Select

Committee (SSCSC) on 9 October 2019 and the comments of the Safer,

Stronger Communities Select Committee at that meeting be noted; and


(3) a response be made to the Business Panel in line with those comments.



Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor and





(1) the officer comments as set out be endorsed;


(2) the report considered by the Safer, Stronger Communities Select

Committee (SSCSC) on 9 October 2019 be noted and the comments of the Safer, Stronger Communities Select Committee reserving the right to make further referrals be noted; and


(3) a response be made to the Business Panel.



Response to Public Accounts Select Committee Income Generation referral pdf icon PDF 147 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance and Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor

and Cabinet agreed that the response be approved and that it be submitted to

the Public Accounts Select Committee.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance and Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor

and Cabinet:


RESOLVED that the response be approved and that it be submitted to

the Public Accounts Select Committee.


Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 26 KB




RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local

Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to

Information)(England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4) of the

Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the

meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve

the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3, of Part 1

of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the

exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


18.       Approval for the Procurement for the Disposal of Dry Recyclables

19.       Permission to extend Services for Community Nutrition & Physical

            Activity and Commercial Weight Management Services

20.       The future of the deK Enterprise Hubs


Approval for the Procurement for the Disposal of Dry Recyclables


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the job-

share Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie

McGeevor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the single stage open

procurement process for the dry recyclable waste disposal contract be

commenced on the basis the Council procures a 5 year contract with the

option to extend for up to 2 years at the Council’s discretion at a stated

estimated value  assuming service is provided for the full 7 years and a stated

annual cost.


The Mayor asked for further information about the export of Lewisham’s dry

recyclables to overseas markets. He was told most local recyclables were

sent to Europe or the UK but that a small percentage was also shipped to

Asia. The Mayor asked what safeguards were in place for the Asian market

and was informed all exports were subject to Environment Agency audit.


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the job-

share Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie

McGeevor, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by a

vote of 9-0:


RESOLVED that the single stage open procurement process for the dry

recyclable waste disposal contract be commenced on the basis the Council

procures a 5 year contract with the option to extend for up to 2 years at the

Council’s discretion at a stated estimated value  assuming service is provided

for the full 7 years and a stated annual cost.


Obesity services extension


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) an extension of the Council’s contract for a community nutrition and

physical activity service with Greenwich Co-operative Development Agency

(GCDA) be approved for a further year until 31st March 2021, up to a stated



(2) an extension of the weight management contract WW until 31st March

2021 be approved for a further year up to a stated; and


(3) an extension of the weight management contract with Slimming World be

approved until 31st March 2021 for a further year up to a value of £34,500.


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons

set out in the report by a vote of 9-0:




(1) an extension of the Council’s contract for a community nutrition and

physical activity service with Greenwich Co-operative Development Agency

(GCDA) be approved for a further year until 31st March 2021, up to a stated



(2) an extension of the weight management contract WW until 31st March

2021 be approved for a further year up to a stated; and


(3) an extension of the weight management contract with Slimming World be

approved until 31st March 2021 for a further year up to a value of £34,500.


The future of the deK Enterprise Hubs


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the job

share Cabinet Member for Culture, Jobs and Skills, Councillor Joe Dromey,

the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the extension of the contract with Bow Arts for the provision of the 4th

Floor dek Enterprise Hub in the Old Town Hall until 31st March 2024 be

approved at a stated cost;


(2) a variation of contract with Bow Arts be approved to include management

and operation of the 5th floor deK Enterprise Hub in the Old Town Hall for up

to 31st March 2024, to continue providing workspaces and studio spaces for

creative businesses at a stated;


(3) the Director for Corporate Services be given delegated authority to

approve the future commission to develop and manage Ladywell deK

Enterprise, which is located in Unit D at Place Ladywell for the same period as

Unit A B and C at Ladywell, currently up to 31st March 2021 at a stated cost;


(4) the use of unspent New Homes Bonus be approved to meet the cost of

paying the business rates, service charges and ongoing management costs

for 5th floor DeK Enterprise Hub in the Old Town Hall and DeK Ladywell until

31st March 2020 and to contribute to the cost of re-configuration of the 5th

floor Old Town Hall (with end to end semi-private office/studio spaces) at a

stated cost; and


(5) the use of unspent New Homes Bonus currently held by Corporate

Finance be approved to facilitate affordable workspace provision with an

ongoing service charge subsidy – capping the principal charges at stated

annual costs for 4th and 5th floor deK Enterprise Hub in the Old Town Hall

respectively, and meeting the 5% increase year on year in financial years

from April 2020 up to March 2024 for 4th and 5th floor deK Enterprise Hub in

the Old Town Hall.



The report was presented by Councillor Dromey who reminded the Cabinet of

a Manifesto commitment to extend Enterprise Hubs. He praised officers who

had ensured considerable obstacles had been overcome and had put a

hugely valued scheme back on track.


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the job

share Cabinet Member for Culture, Jobs and Skills, Councillor Joe Dromey,

the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by a

vote of 9-0:




(1) the extension of the contract with Bow Arts for the provision of the 4th

Floor dek Enterprise Hub in the Old Town Hall until 31st March 2024 be

approved at a stated cost;


(2) a variation of contract with Bow Arts be approved to include management

and operation of the 5th floor deK Enterprise Hub in the Old Town Hall for up

to 31st March 2024, to continue providing workspaces and studio spaces for

creative businesses at a stated;


(3) the Director for Corporate Services be given delegated authority to

approve the future commission to develop and manage Ladywell deK

Enterprise, which is located in Unit D at Place Ladywell for the same period as

Unit A B and C at Ladywell, currently up to 31st March 2021 at a stated cost;


(4) the use of unspent New Homes Bonus be approved to meet the cost of

paying the business rates, service charges and ongoing management costs

for 5th floor DeK Enterprise Hub in the Old Town Hall and DeK Ladywell until

31st March 2020 and to contribute to the cost of re-configuration of the 5th

floor Old Town Hall (with end to end semi-private office/studio spaces) at a

stated cost; and


(5) the use of unspent New Homes Bonus currently held by Corporate

Finance be approved to facilitate affordable workspace provision with an

ongoing service charge subsidy – capping the principal charges at stated

annual costs for 4th and 5th floor deK Enterprise Hub in the Old Town Hall

respectively, and meeting the 5% increase year on year in financial years

from April 2020 up to March 2024 for 4th and 5th floor deK Enterprise Hub in

the Old Town Hall.


The meeting closed at 7.33pm