Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Suite
Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reasons for lateness and urgency PDF 9 KB Minutes: The Chair was advised that all reports listed on the agenda were not available for the original dispatch because of a total IT collapse affecting the three boroughs in the shared service. The reports were deemed urgent and could not wait until the next meeting of the Council on July 18 2018 as this would have delayed implementation of the entire Governance arrangements of the new Council.
Where reports are received less than 5 clear days before the date of the meeting at which the matter is being considered, then under the Local Government Act 1972 Section 100(b)(4) the Chair of the Committee can take the matters as a matter of urgency if he is satisfied that there are special circumstances requiring them to be treated as a matter of urgency. These special circumstances have to be specified in the minutes of the meeting.
RESOLVED that all matters listed on the agenda be taken as matters of urgency. |
Minutes: Prior to calling for nominations for a new Chair, Councillor Obajimi Adefiranye reflected on his seven years as Chair and stated it had been a pleasure to be allowed to serve. He expressed particular thanks for the assistance given to him by the Civic Manager, the Head of Business & Committee, the Council Chauffeur, and his wife, Sandra.
Councillor Jacq Paschoud was then proposed by Councillor Bill Brown and seconded by Councillor Hilary Moore
RESOLVED that Councillor Jacq Paschoud be elected as Chair of the Council for the Municipal Year 2018-19. |
Election of Vice Chair PDF 24 KB Minutes: The election of Councillor Andre Bourne was proposed by Councillor Bill Brown and seconded by Councillor Hilary Moore.
RESOLVED that Councillor Andre Bourne be elected as Vice-Chair of the Council for the Municipal Year 2018-19. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the report of the Returning Officer recording the election of Damien Egan as Mayor for a four year period of office expiring in May 2022 be received. |
Election of Councillors PDF 175 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the report of the Returning Officer noting the election of 54 Councillors for a four year period of office expiring in May 2022 be received. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 21 February 2018 and 9 March, 14 March and 23 March 2018 be approved and signed as true records. |
Announcements or Communications PDF 8 KB Minutes: Manchester Bombing and Grenfell Fire
The Chair’s first announcement marked the poignant anniversaries of both the Manchester bombing and the Grenfell fire. All present observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of those two horrific events.
Mayor Egan announced the appointment of Liane Segal as his Mayoress for the Municipal Year 2018-19. |
Executive Composition PDF 136 KB Minutes: The Mayor informed the Chief Executive that the 11 members, listed below, four of whom would job-share two of the positions on a January to June and July to December substantive basis, would serve as members of the Cabinet in the municipal year 2018/19. All of the members nominated had been confirmed at a special meeting of the Council held earlier in the evening. Mayor Egan reiterated his decision made at the earlier meeting that the statutory designated member for Children’s Services would be Councillor Chris Barnham.
Portfolio Name
Deputy Mayor of Lewisham – Cllr Chris Best - Health & Adult Social Care Cabinet Member for Housing - Cllr Paul Bell Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees & Accountability – Cllr Kevin Bonavia Cabinet Member for Parks, Neighbourhoods & Transport - Cllr Brenda Dacres and Cllr Sophie McGeevor (job-share) Cabinet Member for School Performance – Cllr Chris Barnham Cabinet Member for Safer Communities – Cllr Joani Reid Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills & Jobs - Cllr Amanda de Ryk and Cllr Joe Dromey (job-share). Cabinet Member for the Community Sector – Cllr Jonathan Slater
RESOLVED that the constitution and composition of the Executive for the municipal year 2018/19 be noted. |
Scheme of delegation PDF 366 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor moved and Councillor Best seconded that the changes to the Constitution and the Scheme of Delegation shown below be adopted.
(1) the current Executive Procedure Rules which appeared at Part D of the Council’s Constitution be deleted and replaced with those appearing at Appendix 1 of the report; and
(2) Article 14.3 of the Constitution be amended to reflect the statutory requirement for the Council to nominate an officer as its Data Protection Officer to ensure data protection compliance in the organisation, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Bill when enacted and to agree that the Head of Information Governance should fulfil that role
(3) responsibility for decisions relating to neighbourhood planning are for the Mayor by law and not for the Council and the reference to neighbourhood planning referendums be deleted from the list of Council functions at Article 4(2)(y) of the Constitution and to references to neighbourhood planning be removed from the terms of reference of the Strategic Planning Committee at Article 9
(4) Article 6.1 and Paragraph E3 of the Constitution be amended as shown in Appendix 2 to exclude members appointed to the Mayor & Cabinet for part of a year from being a member of Overview & Scrutiny and its Select Committees at any time during that year. |
Minutes: The Chair confirmed that apart from those just agreed in the previous item, there had been no other changes to Committee Terms of Reference since last year.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Allocation of seats 2018 PDF 155 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered a report setting out an allocation of seats on committees to political groups on the Council in compliance with the requirements of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.
Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny Select Committees would continue to be allocated in accordance with the proportion of seats held by the political groups on the Council.
At the proposal of Councillor Mallory, seconded by Councillor Moore, Members agreed unanimously to form an Overview and Scrutiny Committee of all 44 non-executive Councillors, that was politically balanced.
(i) seats be allocated to political parties as indicated on the schedule attached to the report;
(ii) the Overview & Scrutiny Committee shall comprise all 44 non-executive Councillors; and
(iii) the composition of the Constitution Working Party, the Appointments Committee, the Urgency Committee, 3 Planning Committees, a Strategic Planning Committee, a Licensing Committee, a Licensing (Supplementary) Committee, a Pensions Investment Committee, a Health & Safety Committee, an Elections Committee, and an Audit Panel with the Terms of Reference set out be agreed. |
Appointments to Committees PDF 28 KB Minutes: It was moved by the Councillor Mallory hair and duly seconded by Councillor Moore that members be appointed to serve on committees as listed below. The motion was declared carried and it was:
RESOLVED that members be appointed to serve on committees, as indicated, for the municipal year 2018/19.
Appointments to Bodies PDF 125 KB Minutes: The Chair reported there was no bodies where there were more candidates than places available, the Chair therefore moved and the Vice-Chair seconded a proposal that the tabled schedule of appointments be adopted.
The motion was declared carried and it was:
RESOLVED that members be appointed to serve on other committees and organisations as set out in below:
Age Concern Reminiscence Theatre Cllr De Ryk Albany 2001 Council of Management Cllr Gallagher Blackheath Joint Working Party (3) Cllrs Bonavia, Campbell & De Ryk Deptford Challenge Trust Cllr Adefiranye Forest Hill and Sydenham Voluntary Service Association (2) Cllrs Davis & Sheikh Lewisham Citizen’s Advice Bureau Management Committee (2) Cllrs Rathbone & Penfold Lewisham Disability Coalition Cllr Jacq Paschoud Lewisham Local History Council/Society Cllr Curran Lewisham Pensioners’ Forum Management Committee Cllr Elliot Lewisham Safer Neighbourhood Board Cllr Barnham London Youth Games (2) Cllrs Smith & Moore Marsha Phoenix Memorial Trust Cllr Adefiranye Trinity Laban Cllr James Walsh Southwark College Board Cllr Hilary Moore SLaM Mental Health of Older Adults JHOSC Cllrs Muldoon and Rathbone Our Healthier South East London (OHSEL) JHOSC Cllrs Campbell and Muldoon |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Calendar was proposed for adoption by the Chair and seconded by the Vice-Chair and it was:
(i) ordinary meetings of the Council be held on 18 July, 3 October, 28 November 2018, 23 January, 27 February and 6 March (fall-back) and that the Annual General Meeting be held on Wednesday 3 April 2109; and
(ii) the attached schedule of meetings be approved for the municipal year 2018/19. |
Mayoral Appointments 2018 PDF 25 KB Minutes: The Chair proposed and the Vice-Chair seconded a proposal that the schedule of appointments made by the Mayor be noted.
RESOLVED to note the appointments made by the Mayor to the following external bodies/committees.
Mayoral appointments
Standards Committee Annual Report PDF 163 KB Minutes: The report was moved by the outgoing Chair, Councillor Andre Bourne and was seconded by Councillor Kalu and it was:
RESOLVED that the annual report of the Standards Committee be received.
Annual Mayoral Report PDF 127 KB Minutes: The Mayor delivered the following address:
Thank you Councillor Jacq Paschoud and thank you to everyone for being here this evening for the first Council meeting of this new administration, it's great to see our Council chamber so full of friends and colleagues.
I am so proud to be standing here as your new Labour Mayor of Lewisham. And I am even prouder to be here alongside 54 newly-elected Labour Party Councillors.
I want to thank the people of Lewisham for putting your trust in us, and for putting your trust in me to lead our borough. Our election result is testament to both our record in Lewisham, and a clear mandate for the things we have set out to achieve in the next 4 years.
Fighting the election was made so much easier because of the record we were able to stand on. Steve Bullock achieved so much as our Mayor over the last 16 years, including:
- Ensuring that every single school in Lewisham was rebuilt.
- Creating the Young Mayor’s Programme, now in its 14th year. A programme that has now been rolled out in councils across the country and across the world, inspiring thousands of young people to get engaged in politics.
- Investing in our green spaces so that Lewisham’s parks are among the best in the world with 15 Green Flag parks.
I'll let you into a little secret, Steve texted me earlier to send us his best wishes today -- from a bar in Portugal! He is enjoying a very well-deserved holiday and he promises he is here with us in spirit!
On behalf of all of us, thank you Steve and Kris for everything you achieved for our borough. Personally I would like to thank you for all the support and guidance you have given me, including giving me the opportunity to serve as Cabinet Member for Housing.
And while there will be more opportunities over the next year to formally thank Steve and reflect on his outstanding legacy, I would also like to assure you that Steve’s service to borough has not yet concluded.
When Steve was looking back on his time as Leader he gave me one main observation:He said, it’s much easier being a Mayor with a Labour Government than being a Mayor with a Tory one. And he knows that more than most, because he did eight years with both. And my goodness don't we all here know the difference.
What this Council has achieved since 2010 has been remarkable in the face of the savage cuts imposed on us.
When I became a Councillor 8 years ago, none of us ever imagined that our budget would be cut from £400 million to just £230 million. And it's not over yet. Far from it. The government now want to cut our budget by another £50 million pounds on top of everything we've already endured.
We see this impact not as numbers on a spreadsheet, but as ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |