Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declaration of Interests PDF 206 KB Minutes: Councillor John Muldoon declared a personal interest in Item 14 as a member of Our Healthier South East London Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee and in Item 17 as a member of the Chartered Management Institute and as a member of the Institute of Directors, London.
Councillor Susan Wise declared a personal interest in Item 14 as a member of the Kings College Hospital Foundation Trust and in Item 12 as a Board Member of Lewisham Homes.
Councillor John Paschoud declared a personal interest in Item 14 as a member of a Patient Participation Group and in any and all interests declared by Councillor Jacq Paschoud.
Councillor Alan Hall declared a personal interest in Item 14 as a member of Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committees and in Item 18 as an elected Governor of the NHS SLAM Foundation Trust and as a member of the Terence Higgins Trust.
Councillor Luke Sorba declared a personal interest in Item 14 as a Council appointed Governor of the NHS SLAM Foundation Trust.
Councillor Jacq Paschoud declared a personal interest in Item 14 as a Member of the Jenner Patient Participation Group and as a Short Breaks Provider for children.
Councillor Peter Bernhards declared a personal interest in Item 14 as an employee of a company which did business with the NHS. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on September 20 2017 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Minutes: The Chair welcomed to the meeting the new Young Mayor, Laurelle Henry and Deputy Young Mayor, Edafese Erhenede.
The Mayor spoke to the item and congratulated the winning candidates on their success at the polls. He noted this would be the fourteenth year of the scheme and he pointed to the enduring success of the Young Mayoralty which he continued to believe had been established as a permanent and valued feature of the Lewisham landscape and had attracted a consistently high calibre of successful candidates and interest, as shown by the strong turn out of voters. He noted that for the first time the outcome had been the election of a female Young Mayor and a male Deputy Mayor He thanked the outgoing Young Mayor, and Deputy Young Mayor, Kayla Sh’ay Nswa and Tekisha Henry, for their service in what was widely regarded as another successful year.
The new Young Mayor and Deputy Young Mayor then signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office and an undertaking to abide by the Code of Practice for their respective roles which were witnessed by the Head of Law.
The outgoing Young Mayor, Kayla Sh’ay Nswa, addressed the meeting and thanked the Council for the opportunities given to her during her term of office which she regarded as a life changing experience. She gave particular credit to the support given by her mother and she urged all young people to follow their dreams. She wished her successors every success in their year of office. |
Minutes: No petitions were submitted. |
Announcements or Communications PDF 197 KB Minutes: 1. Frank Doran MP
The Chair reported the death of Frank Doran a former MP for three Aberdeen constituencies and husband of Honorary Freewoman, Dame Joan Ruddock. The Chair had attended his funeral on November 16 in Edinburgh.
All present stood for one minute in memory of Frank Doran.
2. Freedom of the City of London
On behalf of the Council the Chair congratulated the Executive Director for Resources & Regeneration, Janet Senior, on being given the Freedom of the City of London.
3. Looked After Children’s Poetry
Lucy, a representative of Lewisham’s Children in Care Council, read out one of the poems from a recently produced Looked After Children’s poetry book. The Mayor and Councillor Maslin encouraged all present to buy a copy in order to support fund raising efforts.
4. Councillor Helen Klier
The Chair reported that the horrific injuries sustained by Councillor Helen Klier were even more severe than at first thought. Wishing her well, Councillor Mallory moved and Councillor Bill Brown seconded a resolution that her ongoing non attendance at Council meetings be approved.
The following recommendation was then carried unanimously:
RESOLVED that the reason for Councillor Helen Klier’s non-attendance at Council meetings since 13 September 2017, as set out, be approved.
5. White Ribbon Day
The Mayor highlighted the range of events taking place in the borough in support of White Ribbon Day and added that the salience of campaigning against violence against women had been given extra impetus by the deluge of recent stories of men abusing their power over women.
6. Councillor Slater
On behalf of the Council, the Chair congratulated Councillor Johnathan Slater on his marriage on October 4 to his bride Urmita. |
Additional documents: Minutes: 8 questions were received from the following members of the public which were answered by the Cabinet Member indicated. A copy of the questions and answers was circulated separately and can be viewed on the Council website with the meeting papers.
Additional documents: Minutes: 8 questions were received from the following Councillors which were answered by the Cabinet Members indicated. A copy of the questions and answers was circulated separately and can be viewed on the Council’s website with the meeting papers.
Lewisham Poverty Commission PDF 478 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Policy and Performance, Councillor Joe Dromey, confirmed the report and recommendations had been agreed by the Mayor on November 15 and he moved that the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Colin Elliott and it was unanimously :
(1) the challenge and insight provided by the Lewisham Poverty Commission be welcomed and the Commissioners be thanked for their time and expertise;
(2) the final report of the Lewisham Poverty Commission and its recommendations be noted;
(3) the report to Mayor and Cabinet presenting the final report of the Lewisham Poverty Commission be noted; and
(4) the verbal update on decisions made at Mayor and Cabinet on 15 November be received. |
Barriers to Politics Working Group Covering Report PDF 323 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Suzannah Clarke, the Chair of the Barriers to Politics Working Group, moved that the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Jacq Paschoud, the Vice-Chair of the Barriers to Politics Working Group Following a contribution from Councillor John Coughlin, it was unanimously:
(1) the recommendations of the Barriers to Politics Working Group as outlined in the report attached at Appendix A be noted;
(2) the recommendations be referred to appropriate bodies as stated within the report. |
Recruitment of new Chief Executive PDF 282 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor moved that the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Alan Hall, the Chair of the Appointments Committee. Following a contribution from the Chair of the Council, it was unanimously:
(1) the Chief Executive has served notice of termination of his employment with the Council and that his last day of service will be 31/01/2018;
(2) the terms and conditions upon which a new Chief Executive is to be recruited as suggested by the Appointments Committee and referred to in Paragraph 4.11 and Appendix 1 to the report be approved;
(3) the process by which a new Chief Executive is to be recruited, as set out in paragraphs 4.12-4.16 of the report be approved and to note that the Head of Organisational Development & Human Resources will appoint an external recruitment agency and former London Chief Executive to assist with that process;
(4) an Advisory Panel of 9 members of the Council be appointed as set out in paragraphs 4.17-4.22 of the report with the terms of reference set out in paragraph 4.21;
(5) to appoint members to that Advisory Panel;
(6) the clarification of the constitutional position set out in paragraph 5.3 of the report be agreed;
(7) the interim management arrangements put in place by the Chief Executive to date be noted and to agree that in accordance with paragraphs 4.6-4.9, the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration continue to fill the role of Acting Chief Executive until a new Chief Executive is appointed and is in post. Such appointment will authorise the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration to exercise all of the functions currently exercisable by the current Chief Executive, including those of Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer.
(8) In recognition of the additional duties, the Head of Organisational Development & Human Resources be authorised, on the basis of external advice, to agree an appropriate honorarium in respect of the additional duties associated with acting as Interim Chief Executive. |
London Business Rates Pilot Pool PDF 2 MB Minutes: The Mayor moved that the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Jim Mallory. Following a contribution from the Councillor Bonavia, it was unanimously :
RESOLVED that the proposal to create a London Business Rates pilot pool based on the principles set out in the London Councils proposals be endorsed, with a preference for Option D as set out (i.e. greater weighting to “needs” and “population” (each 30%) with equal remaining weightings of 20% for “incentives” and “investment” pots). |
Financial Regulations and Schemes of Delegation PDF 114 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Kevin Bonavia, the Cabinet Member for Resources moved that the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Maja Hilton, the Chair of the Public Accounts Select Committee and it was unanimously :
(1) the latest version of the Financial Regulations be approved:
(2) the Directorate Schemes of Delegation as they relate to non-executive functions be approved; and
(3) the Mayor’s approval of the Directorate Schemes of Delegation as they relate to executive functions be noted. |
LGO Report to Council PDF 162 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Paul Maslin, the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People moved that the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Luke Sorba, the Chair of the Children & Young People Select Committee and it was unanimously :
RESOLVED that the contents of the report be noted. |
Comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Local NHS GP Services PDF 111 KB Minutes: Councillor Alan Hall, the Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny tabled updating correspondence received from NHS Lewisham andr moved that the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Susan Wise. Following contributions from Councillors Joe Dromey and Brenda Dacres, it was unanimously :
RESOLVED that the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in section three of the referral be noted. |
Thames Water Scrutiny Report PDF 113 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Alan Hall, the Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee moved that the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Gareth Siddorn, the Vice-Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and it was unanimously :
RESOLVED that Council supports the campaign of the Fire Brigade Union for the Fire Brigade to become the statutory Emergency Response Service for flooding, as recommended by the Pitt Review in 2008 , in view of the recent major bursts across the capital resulting in severe flooding and given the fact that such occurrences are more likely in the future due to the ageing Victorian trunk mains network across London. |
Motion 1 Proposed Councillor Coughlin Seconded the Mayor PDF 26 KB Minutes: The motion was moved by Councillor Coughlin and seconded by the Mayor. Following contributions from Councillors Bonavia, Mallory and Kennedy, the motion was put to the vote and declared to be lost by 21 to 20 with 3 abstentions. |
Motion 2 Proposed Councillor Jacq Paschoud Seconded Councillor Muldoon PDF 120 KB Minutes: The motion was moved by Councillor Jacq Paschoud and seconded by Councillor John Muldoon and was put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.
RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:
““Some people of working age who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness would chose to continue in employment for as long as they are able. Their income continues, they feel a sense of worth and purpose, they may be distracted from their illness and its treatment and their "Death in Service" rights are protected for their loved ones.
The Dying to Work Charter sets out an agreed way in which an employer will support protect and guide employees throughout their employment following a terminal diagnosis.
Lewisham council will work with unions towards the signing of a customised charter, provided by the TUC based on the following:-
*The Council recognises that terminal illness requires support and understanding and not additional and avoidable stress and worry.
*Terminally ill workers will be secure in the knowledge that they will be supported following their diagnosis and we recognise that , safe reasonable work can help maintain dignity, offer a valuable distraction and can be therapeutic in itself.
*We will provide our employees with the security of work, peace of mind and the right to choose the best course of action for themselves and their families which helps them through this challenging period with dignity and without undue financial loss.
*We support the TUC's Dying to Work campaign so that all employees with a terminal illness have adequate protection and have their death in service benefits protected for the loved ones they leave behind.” |
Motion 3 Proposed Councillor Hall Seconded Councillor Daby PDF 127 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The mover and seconder accepted an amendment which had been received prior to the previous days 5pm deadline. The amended motion was moved by Councillor Alan Hall and seconded by Councillor Liz Johnston-Franklin. Following a contribution from Councillor Chris Best, the motion was put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.
RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:
“The National Aids Trust have said that for three decades, the UK has been a world leader when it comes to HIV, leading the way with public awareness and harm reduction campaigns since the 1980s. The care the NHS provides to people living with HIV is second-to-none, with 94% of those on treatment achieving viral suppression. Today someone diagnosed with HIV in the UK can expect a near-normal life expectancy.
But HIV is not over. Over 100,000 people in the UK will live with HIV for the rest of their lives. Recent reports of a decrease in new diagnoses among gay men in some London clinics are hugely welcome, but have not yet been replicated elsewhere and follow a decade of high and sustained rates of transmission. HIV continues to disproportionately affect certain communities, including gay and bisexual men and people in black and minority ethnic groups. In the past two years, there has also been rapid disinvestment in both HIV prevention and support services. And HIV-related stigma and discrimination are still present every day, in all areas of life. The London Borough of Lewisham has some of the highest rates in Europe.
Lewisham Council Notes:
The number of STI diagnoses in MSM has risen sharply in England in recent years and this is also the case in Lewisham, with the number of cases of new infections more than doubling between 2011 and 2015
It is estimated that around 25% of the UK’s HIV+ population live in Lewisham Lambeth & Southwark. There were around 100 new HIV diagnoses in Lewisham in 2015. The diagnosed HIV prevalence was 8.3 per 1,000 population aged 15-59 years (compared to 2.26 per 1,000 in England). This is up from 7.9 per 1,000 which is recorded in our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), where we were rated 8th in the country for prevalence. There are around 1,660 people in Lewisham living with HIV accessing HIV services, of these around 40% probably acquired their infection through sex between men, and 55% through heterosexual sex.
In 2015/16 there were just under 15,000 male and around 29,300 female first attendances in sexual health clinics by Lewisham residents. (The figure for women is significantly higher than for men, as women access clinics for contraception as well as for sexually transmitted infection screening and treatment). Of the men attending 32% identified as gay and 2% as bisexual and 66% heterosexual. Of the women attending 0.4% identified as lesbian, and 0.74% bisexual and circa 98% heterosexual.
In the 2015 Lewisham Residents Survey, 4% of respondents identified themselves as Lesbian Gay or Bisexual (LGB). Nationally the ONS estimates that in the same year, ... view the full minutes text for item 125. |
Motion 4 Proposed Councillor McGeevor Seconded Councillor Muldoon PDF 124 KB Minutes: The motion was moved by Councillor Sophie McGeevor and seconded by Councillor John Muldoon. Following contributions from Councillor Susan Wise and John Paschoud, the motion was put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.
RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:
Lewisham Council supports the growth of sustainable transport, and desires a safe rail service that residents can rely on. As a Council, it understands that the railway infrastructure must be maintained on a regular basis and that the borough contains extremely busy sections of track and signalling on which residents from across London and the South East depend. Council also believes that these can be maintained in a way that minimises disruption to residents.
Lewisham Council notes that many residents who live near to railway lines and stations are unduly disturbed by night-time maintenance works taking place at short notice, or with no notice at all. In recent years, residents in the St Johns area of Brockley Ward have been subject to short-notice works over the Christmas period.
Lewisham Council appreciates that some repairs must be made at short- notice, but expects that this should only be necessary in exceptional circumstances.
Lewisham Council calls upon Network Rail to respect the amenity of Lewisham residents.
Lewisham Council calls upon Network Rail to:
Give due notice to residents in all roads affected by maintenance works. Residents should be given a minimum of four weeks notice before works begin, and a minimum of twelve weeks notice when works are due to take place over the Christmas period.
Safeguard Lewisham residents by limiting the use of HGVs on residential roads. HGVs should only be used to deliver equipment in exceptional circumstances and never in the hours of the 'school-run'.
Ensure that all contractors are trained to understand that they are working in residential areas and must limit light pollution and noise wherever possible. Air quality of residents must also be respected and car and diesel powered machinery must not be left to idle or run unnecessarily.
Respond to the enquiries and complaints of residents, representatives and council officers in a timely manner.
Protect woodland and wildlife on railway sidings Maintain and refurbish bridges and footways, so that they are both safe
and visually appealing thereby positively contributing to the street scape.
Lewisham Council asks that the Mayor of Lewisham, Sir Steve Bullock, writes to Rt Hon Chris Grayling, MP, Secretary of State for Transport, Sir Peter Hendy CBE, Chair of Network Rail & Mr Arthur Leathley, Chair of London Travelwatch to advise them of these concerns.
Lewisham Council recommends that the Public Transport Liaison Committee incorporates a standing item on rail infrastructure repairs and renewals in its work programme, so that Members and the public can be assured that the activities of Network Rail are adequately scrutinised in this regard.”
The meeting closed at 9.49pm |