Venue: Microsoft Office Teams
Contact: Jasmine Kassim
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interests PDF 226 KB Minutes: Councillor Joan Millbank declared a personal interest in Item 3 as a member of Lewisham Local Collaborative which was referred to in the report.
Councillor Sophie Davis declared a personal interest in Item 3 as an appointed member of Voluntary Services Lewisham.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the last meeting held on 21 July 2020 be confirmed as an accurate record
Scrutiny of the Council's Covid-19 Response - Update Report PDF 793 KB Minutes: This item was presented by the Chief Executive. The Chair said that discussions had taken place between Business Panel and non-executive councillors. It had been agreed that although scrutiny arrangements would return to business-as-usual in September, some good practices that had been put in place following the covid pandemic should be retained. Members had found the explanatory notes on the key decision plan very useful and also the regular covid update report which brings together a wide range of information in one report with the facility to ask questions in advance of the meeting. The Chief Executive said that over the coming weeks officers would continue to provide the information required by members, bearing in mind that scrutiny meetings would recommence in September.
The Chair referred to the transition period in paragraph 5.2.1 of the report. He asked when the results of the assessments would be available as outlined in this paragraph. The Chief Executive said that in a previous meeting, officers provided information on the lessons learned so far and gave members high level feedback. Future reports would continue to report on lessons learned and the preparations being made for future waves of the virus.
Councillor Muldoon referred to the metrics in paragraph 5.28 of the report. He asked whether there was any evidence regarding data about blood groups He had been reliably informed that those having blood group O, whether rhesus positive or negative, had a 20% less chance of catching covid 19. The Chief Executive agreed to contact relevant officers to discover whether this data exists.
Councillor Millbank referred to paragraph 6.7 in the report. She said that community hubs provide support to vulnerable residents affected by covid and asked for more information about ‘existing resources’ which will support these hubs after August 2020.
Councillor Millbank said there are two mental health providers for children and young people in the borough. She asked what the access time is for an interview for psychological help and the length of the waiting lists. The Chief Executive agreed to provide Councillor Millbank with a written response to both of her questions.
Councillor Sorba referred to paragraph 6.6.4 in the report, and asked three questions on behalf of his constituents.
· When are the Temporary Traffic Orders (TTO) likely to expire and when will public consultation start to consider whether they should be made permanent? · What consultation had taken place with the three emergency services regarding increasing times for response vehicles? · There were claims on social and business media that some of Lewisham’s traffic measures, rather than improving traffic, is displacing the problem. One claim is that traffic, in one part of the borough was being diverted from more affluent areas to poorer areas. He also asked what processes were in place to measure the effect of traffic calming in the borough.
The Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and the Public Realm responded by saying that the intention is to assess these temporary measures, measure the impact in the local area and ... view the full minutes text for item 18. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair drew members’ attention to school meals provision. It is an important document which would be submitted to this Panel. Councillor Millbank said that members would be considering whether the provision would be coming in house; comments of the school leaders who do not support that model should be considered.
Councillor Hall said that he could not see the leisure contract on the key decision plan. He asked whether the correct procedures had been carried out when the report was considered in private by the Mayor and Cabinet. The Head of Committee Services confirmed that the report was not on the key decision plan so the urgency procedures were used. He explained the procedure that was followed.
Councillor Hall said that one of the provisions is that the signed notices should be available on the website and on display outside the town hall. He asked whether this had been done. He advised members that UNITE had written to the Mayor asking why the leisure contract report was being considered in private. The Head of Committee Services said that there were changes to procedures following the covid pandemic. He agreed to send Councillor Hall a link to the notices on the website. The provision to post physical notices had been suspended and were no longer a legal requirement until at least May 7 2021. The Chair agreed that members of the public must be able to see openness and transparency for all information and scrutiny within this Council.
Councillor Curran referred to the summary of the Grove Park nature reserve which should have been actioned five years ago. He was concerned that this Council were not putting in the protection required for the 30 acre park. He was concerned that a decision would not be made until September 2020; in the meantime, trees could be damaged. He asked whether a decision could be made any earlier. The Head of Committee Services said that in order to be safe from challenge, Councillor Curran’s request could be referred to the Mayor and a lawyer who would consider the stringent test of urgency. It would then be considered by the Chair of this Panel.
RESOLVED that the report be noted.
Exclusion of the Press and Public PDF 140 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, as amended by the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (Amendments) (England) Regulations 2006:-
6. Decision taken the Mayor and Cabinet on 12 August 2020 – permission to award a Leisure Management Contract.
7. Decision taken by Executive Director – Abandoned Vehicles Contract.
Decision taken by Mayor & Cabinet on August 12 Minutes: There were no decisions identified for further discussion.
Decision taken by Executive Director - Abandoned Vehicles Contract Minutes: This decision was not identified for further discussion.