Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Olga Cole
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the open meeting held on 2 October 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: None received. |
Outstanding Scrutiny Matters Minutes: RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Notification of Late and Urgent Items Minutes: RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Decisions made by Mayor and Cabinet on 10 October 2018 Minutes: None of the decisions made by the Mayor and Cabinet on 10 October 2018 was requested for further discussion. |
Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule - Update Minutes: The Interim Head of Planning introduced the report.
Councillor Muldoon asked for an explanation about the difference between the CIL Regulations and the Guidance, and was told that Regulations were the legal prompt as to how CIL should be used fairly. These Regulations were detailed and should be followed to the letter to avoid challenge, whereas the Guidance was advisory.
Councillor Muldoon said Members were concerned that those in need would not necessarily get funding support, whilst those whose needs were not as strong but were more articulate and resourceful would likely get funding. He asked that Mayor and Cabinet be advised to achieve equity amongst the Wards. The Interim Head of Planning responded that in keeping with national policy framework guidance, the Council would need to have regard for equity or be challenged via Judicial Review. He said officers would look through the Regulations and Guidance and make recommendations to Members.
Panel Members were told that the difference between CIL and Section 106 was that there was no limit on how long you can hold onto CIL money. Strategic CIL money could only be spent on Strategic Infrastructure to mitigate against significant growth and infrastructure in the area, e.g. the proposed Bakerloo Line which the Borough was expected to make a contribution for. Neighbourhood CIL could be spent flexibly for the community, but full disclosure would be expected.
The Interim Head of Planning said advice was that Section 106 funds be used first before the CIL funds as they had a time limit attached. The Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration informed Panel Members that Section 106 money was for particular areas and if there were no Section 106 money, then CIL fund could be used to make up the shortfall.
Councillor Sorba asked if CIL could be used with other funds to complete a community project, and was told that Neighbourhood CIL could be used flexibly and community projects would be fine for this type of fund. Panel Members were told CIL funds could be utilised for capital projects.
Councillor Mallory said timing was critical, and asked whether the Evelyn Ward pilot had been informative, as this happened nearly a year ago and nothing has been said about the outcome. The Interim Head of Planning said a report would be going to Mayor and Cabinet this year.
Councillor Campbell asked how CIL would be divided, and what percentage would be given to Ward Assemblies. The Interim Head of Planning informed Panel Members that the total amount of CIL was £9.3m, administrative cost set by the government is 5%, (£0.4m), Neighbourhood CIL could be 15% minimum, £1.4m, up to a maximum of 25% if the Council wishes. Assembly Wards assessment would have to be done project by project to determine allocations, and Members would make the decision.
The Chair said Members needed a system in place as soon as possible, as the budget proposal was to cut Ward Assemblies funding, and the Mayor and Cabinet report was due within ... view the full minutes text for item 149. |
Overview and Scrutiny Select Committees Work Programmes 2018/19 verbal update Minutes: The Scrutiny Manager informed Panel Members that they were now in the 3rd round of Select Committee meetings. Healthier Communities met on 9 October, and Children and Young People would be meeting on 17 October. She said all Select Committees would be looking at proposals for savings.
Councillor Muldoon said that it would be useful for some Select Committee Members to take appropriate training to assist them in their role as Scrutiny Members, the Scrutiny Manager said this had been arranged.
Councillor Sorba told Panel Members that the Children and Young People Select Committee invited Stakeholders that were not officers to contribute to the meeting’s agenda, and he found their contribution very useful. He said Select Committee Chairs should consider this for future meetings. The Chair thanked the Scrutiny Manager for the update.
Exclusion of the Press and Public Minutes: This item was not needed as no confidential item was discussed at the meeting. |
Decisions made by Mayor and Cabinet on 10 October 2018 Minutes: This item was not requested for discussion. |
Decision made by an Executive Director Under Delegated Authority - Award of Insurance Contracts Minutes: This item was not requested for discussion.
Meeting ended: Chair……………….. |