Council meetings

Issue - meetings

Building for Lewisham: small and complex sites

Meeting: 04/12/2024 - Mayor and Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Building for Lewisham: small and complex sites pdf icon PDF 76 KB

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Declare the 8 sites listed in paragraph 5.3 of this report surplus to the Council’s requirements.


Approve the advertising of the 8 sites listed in section 5.3 of this report via the GLA Small Sites Small Builders portal.


Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance and the Executive Director of Corporate Resources to approve the advertisement, negotiate disposal terms and enter into agreements for the disposal of the sites listed in paragraph 5.3 of this report.


Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with and the Cabinet Member for Inclusive Regeneration and Planning, the Executive Director for Finance, Digital and Corporate Resources and the Director of Law and Governance, to apply for, accept and enter into agreements for any local, regional or national or otherwise available grants to support the disposal of the sites to small builders.


Having considered an open officer report, the Mayor & Cabinet moved, seconded and RESOLVED to:


·       Declare the 8 sites listed in paragraph 5.3 of the report surplus to the Council’s requirements.


·       Approve the advertising of the 8 sites listed in section 5.3 of the report via the GLA Small Sites Small Builders portal.


·       Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance and the Executive Director of Corporate Resources to approve the advertisement, negotiate disposal terms and enter into agreements for the disposal of the sites listed in paragraph 5.3 of the report.


·       Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with and the Cabinet Member for Inclusive Regeneration and Planning, the Executive Director for Finance, Digital and Corporate Resources and the Director of Law and Governance, to apply for, accept and enter into agreements for any local, regional or national or otherwise available grants to support the disposal of the sites to small builders.