Council meetings

Issue - meetings

Approval to procure a workspace provider to deliver affordable workspace at Town Hall Chambers

Meeting: 24/01/2024 - Mayor and Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Approval to procure a workspace provider to deliver affordable workspace at Town Hall Chambers pdf icon PDF 260 KB

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Councillor Powell MOVED, Councillor Cooper SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:


·                Approve the procurement of a provider for the provision of affordable workspace within the Town Hall Chambers. The value of the contract to the Provider will be estimated £168,000 per annum and a total of £1,008,000.00 for the whole contract period. The contract will be for a period of 5 years with an option for a further year of delivery.

·                Agree to extend contract of Bow Arts to deliver workspace in the 4th Floor Old Town Hall until the 31st December 2024 or until the termination of the lease by the Council.

·                Approve the award of contract and entry into a lease with the preferred service provider for the provision of affordable workspace.

·                Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Cabinet Member for Business, Jobs and Skills to select the preferred service provider in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract and lease.


The meeting received the report introduced by Councillor Powell which requested agreement to approve the Economy, Jobs and Partnerships team to undertake the procurement of a provider to deliver Affordable Workspace within the Town Hall Chambers for a minimum period of five years with the option for a further year of delivery.


Information that the potential provider would be expected to offer the space to a variety of users within the creative sector was welcomed by Members.


The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the report, Councillor Powell MOVED, Councillor Cooper SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:


·                Approve the procurement of a provider for the provision of affordable workspace within the Town Hall Chambers. The value of the contract to the Provider will be estimated £168,000 per annum and a total of £1,008,000.00 for the whole contract period. The contract will be for a period of 5 years with an option for a further year of delivery.

·                Agree to extend contract of Bow Arts to deliver workspace in the 4th Floor Old Town Hall until the 31st December 2024 or until the termination of the lease by the Council.

·                Approve the award of contract and entry into a lease with the preferred service provider for the provision of affordable workspace.

·                Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Cabinet Member for Business, Jobs and Skills to select the preferred service provider in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract and lease.