327 Main Grants Programme 2019-23 PDF 149 KB
Additional documents:
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet
Member for the Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor and
Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the outcome of the consultation on the main grants programme be noted;
(2) the recommended approach to the programme for 2019-2022 as set out
be approved;
(3) the application form and guidance be approved;
(4) the timetable for letting the 2019-2022 programme be approved;
(5) the funding of 60 voluntary and community sector groups, be extended as
outlined, for April-July 2019;
(6) the contribution to London Councils of a maximum of £229,056 for
financial year 2019-20 be approved.
The report was presented by Councillor Jonathan Slater who acknowledged
the written representation made by the Safer, Stronger Communities Select
Committee. Officers added that following the decisions made on the previous
item, the reduction referred to in paragraph 1.4 of the report had been
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet
Member for the Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor and
Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report, by a vote of 7-0:
(1) the outcome of the consultation on the main grants programme be noted;
(2) the recommended approach to the programme for 2019-2022 as set out
be approved;
(3) the application form and guidance be approved;
(4) the timetable for letting the 2019-2022 programme be approved;
(5) the funding of 60 voluntary and community sector groups, be extended as
outlined, for April-July 2019;
(6) the contribution to London Councils of a maximum of £229,056 for
financial year 2019-20 be approved.